Chapter 6

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Zayn Malik – Age 17

— Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

— What are you doing Zayn? — I was a nerve wreck okay? And it was hot like hell out there under the sun.

—I'm... I'm uhh... warming up Liam! Can't I warm up?

— Hey, no need to be nervous! You're going to do great!

— You really have nerves healing superpowers Payno.

When we did auditions and concerts, miraculously, Liam stopped being the annoying lad he usually is and really became a great leader. Yeah, the drummer is the leader. Weird, because he's always in the back.

Our waiting time went by quite quickly, and when they called us to go through the first audition, my heart was beating so loud I bet you could've heard it all the way from Hawaii.

Before entering the room where the audition where held, we all gathered in a tight hug, put our hands in the centre and yelled:

— One! Two! Three! We push!

I swear I could've broken the thickest string of my bass from the way I was holding onto it.

— Hello boys. I'm Anna . What are you going to sing for us? — The woman didn't even look at our faces!

— Nice to meet you Anna. We're going to sing an original that Harry wrote called Only Angel. — Liam said.

— Let's hear it! — I bet that's what they say to every single contestant.

But the show must go on, right?

Ok remember; quarter notes, first A and then B...

— One, two, one, two, three, four! Open up you eyes, shut your mouth and see...


... My-my-my only angel!

— Wow guys! You have a lot of potential. And the song is really well written Harry. I'll go with a yes, but I'd say it'd be better if you change he for she you know? — What the actual fuck? Screw you Anna.

— Thanks... uhmm... why?

— Why what honey?

—Why should we change the pronouns in the song that I wrote? — Slay Harry,Slaaayy!!

— Because... ugh fine. Do whatever you want. Just... be careful okay? — What? What is there to be careful about singing about a man? If we sing about girls then we're going to turn the girls gay too! 

— Charlie, what do you think?

—It's a huge yes for me. I can't wait to hear more from you guys. — Oh that smirk, that man be so gay.

—Well, congrats, you can now go audition in front of the judges. You can exit from where you came. Good luck. — And then she made an apologetic smile. We don't want you sympathy Anna!

And when we got out, all of our families were there, cheering for us. And saying how well we had done it, when we didn't even tell them how it went. I would've been too embarrassing if it had been a no. So I went:

— But how did you know?

— We saw it all on screen love.

—Oh. True. We've been watching all the other's auditions and I thought that we wouldn't be in there?

— Don't worry Zayn; I didn't know either.

—Thanks Niall, it's really great to be sharing one brain cell with the whole band. It's just not fair Liam gets to have it full time.

They were all laughing, and when I heard Harry say that he wanted the brain cell as well I burst out laughing too.


I really like Zayn in this fic! What do you think? Will Simon like the song? What will the judges say? And when do we go back to Louiss!!!

(The blue strap on the photo is supposed to be the bass' strap hahah.)

Hey, apart from 1D and their solos, what other artists do you guys listen to? And what type of music? If you have any suggestions, please do tell me!

Have a nice weekend!

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