Chapter 6

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*one month after Stef's birthday and almost Dani's birthday*  (August 24)

Stefania's POV
These past months have been so good, I've been literally living a dream, waking up and having the most beautiful woman in the whole world beside me, in my bed, I don't think I can wish something better.
In two days it'll be her birthday and I don't know what I should prepare for this special day, I mean she made my birthday one of the best that I've ever had and she deserves something special but the big question is: should I call all her friends from station 19 or should I do something only for the two of us? I don't have that much time to think about it so I think I'm gonna go for the second one, I mean on my birthday there was just the two of us and it was the best day ever so why don't just replicate it but with a little bit of magic? Yeah definitely let's do this.

Danielle's POV   (August 25)
I wake up with my girlfriend's legs tangled in mines and I give her a little kiss on the forehead while she's still asleep, I swear she's the cutest human being in the world, I stay awake in our bed for a couple of minutes staring  at her until she starts moving
"I know that you were staring" she says with her adorable first morning voice, "Yeah I was, and I'm not gonna lie because you're the cutest thing ever while you sleep" I say while I give her a little kiss on the mouth
"Buongiorno amore mio" she says in her native language, another thing that I find super cute about her even if I'm still learning how to speak Italian with her but I promised her that one day I'm gonna talk with her only in Italian. We both wake up and I head to the bathroom while she goes to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, obviously Carina's french toast (which has become like a symbol of our relationship since we were both casted on station 19), I run downstairs captured by the smell of french toasts coming from the kitchen, I run grabbing my girlfriend by the waist just to recreate the scene from the episode 403, we love to recreate that scene, she gives me a kiss and then we sit and eat our breakfast, we took some days off because tomorrow it's my birthday and we wanted to take two days only for the two of us.
We finish our breakfast and Stef starter running upstairs, she came back totally dressed saying that she has to buy some things for Jeff, she gave me a kiss and went out of the door without any explanation.

Stefania's POV
I ran outside without any explanation and I felt a little bad for Dani, also I hope she believed me when I said I had to buy some things for Jeff, I know she's now stupid but I hope she believed me, I started walking, first of all I want to order a big bouquet of yellow flowers, because her nickname is sunshine and she reminds me of that colour, after this I went to order a cake, a chocolate cake because she's the sweetest tooth that I've ever seen in my life, literally, and last but not for importance I stop at a jewellery to buy her a personalised necklace with a writing on it  "you're my home" and another thing, I get home and I find Dani completely asleep on the couch, I run tiptoeing upstairs to hide the necklace and then I go downstairs to hug that little sweet creature that's asleep in our couch, she literally looks like a baby and I wanna take care of her until death do us apart, she started moving when she realised that she wasn't alone and she flinched a little, she opened her eyes and calmed herself down when she realised it was me, so she invited me to cuddle with her and we stayed in a long hug for what it felt like eternity, but I swear I could stay like this forever and ever.
"Wanna watch a movie?" She asks to me, "yes but not horror please" even if I know that she knew that I would have said something like this since she knows how scared I get when I watch horror movies but she loves to treat me like a five year old girl when we watch them, we decided to watch "five feet apart" and after the first hour I saw that dani fell asleep in my arms, I start talking to her like she could hear me.

"Ti hanno mai detto che sei bellissima pure quando dormi? Quanto vorrei stare qui a guardarti ogni singolo giorno... voglio solo che tu sappia che finché ci sarò io accanto a te, e farò di tutto per esserci finché non esalerò il mio ultimo respiro, andrà tutto bene, ci sarò sempre io a proteggerti, è questo quello che voglio fare, ti amo, in una maniera che non ti so nemmeno spiegare a parole, nemmeno adesso che sei coricata su di me come una bimba di cinque anni, ti amo con tutta me stessa e farò di tutto per restare con te fino alla fine dei miei giorni mio piccolo fiorellino, ti amo."
("Have they ever told you that you're beautiful even when you sleep? How I would like to stand here looking at you every single day... I just want you to know that as long as I'm here next to you, and I'll do everything I can to be here until I take my last breath, everything will be fine, I'll always be here to protect you, this is what I want to do, I love you, In a way that I can't even put into words, not even now that you're lying on me like a five year old baby, I love you with all of myself and I will do everything I can to stay with you until the end of my days, my little flower, I love you" )

I looked at my phone and noticed that it was past midnight, "Buon compleanno amore mio, ti amo con tutta me stessa" ("happy birthday my love, I love you with all of myself") I whisper to the sleeping body in my arms in a sweet tone, then I decide to take her to our bedroom, luckily she didn't wake up when i took her upstairs, I laid her in bed while I went in the bathroom to wear my pyjamas and take off my make up and brush my hair to finally lay in bed with my favorite birthday girl In the world, can't wait for tomorrow.


Hey everyone, I'm sorry I didn't update for a loooong time but I didn't have time because of school, vacations and I needed to take a break for my mental health, I'll try to update more during these vacations and I hope you liked this chapter, also if you have some suggestions you can dm me :)

Instagram: @pagingmarina_

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