If You Love Him

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"Let me get this straight," Cisco Ramon said, his face showing his confusion. "You two," his fingers pointed towards Barry Allen's and Oliver Queen's intertwined hands, "have been dating for the past six months?"

Barry nodded at his best friend, and he could feel the warmth off of Oliver. "Yes, that is correct. We have been dating since the Invasion."

"Barry, why wouldn't you tell us something like this?" Iris West-Thawne asked him, crossing her arms. "We're supposed to be a team. Does Team Arrow know?"

"Yes," Oliver admitted, speaking for the first time since they'd said they were dating. "But only because they caught us making out."

Barry smirked. "Told you we should have used Flashtime."

Oliver rolled his eyes. "Oh, whatever. But yes, they know. We made them swear not to tell anyone, including you guys."

"Or Oliver would shoot them with an arrow," Barry said, his smile growing.

"How are you still not over that?"

"I'm sorry, but when it rains, I can still feel where you shot me, and I know I'll never be fully healed from that, nor will I ever let it go," Barry retorted. He turned back to look at the team. "Anyway, I'm sorry we didn't tell you, but I wanted to know for sure that Oliver was worth it."

"Well, if you find him worth it, that's great, but we'd like a moment alone with Oliver Queen," Eddie Thawne said calmly, his big brother voice on.

Barry's face went stone cold, but Oliver squeezed his hand reassuringly. "Go," he said to Barry. "I'll be okay." He hugged Barry, quickly pecking his cheek before whispering, "Time Vault, or have Felicity hack. I'll see you later."

Barry nodded and kissed Oliver's forehead. "Good luck, Ollie, you'll need it. Don't let them get to you." Then he was gone, and papers were flying; the gust of wind was gone.

Oliver turned back to face Team Flash. He could feel his fist clenching, but he took in a deep breath. This was no time to lose his cool, not when this was Barry's team, the people he worked with. The people who helped keep Oliver's love alive.

He could feel himself settle down, though his anxiety was bouncing off the walls in his mind. Their gazes were sharp and piercing. They studied him with ease, determining... proper words to speak with.

Oliver had learned to read people; he learned it to survive, and this was survival. He knew that those words that the team would give him would be sharp, protecting Barry. He knew that      this team was fiercely protective of Barry, and always would be.

Oliver was fiercely protective of Barry as well, and Barry was actually very protective of himself and Oliver. He never let anyone speak down to him and Oliver as a couple, never let that disrespect get to him, and Oliver loved that about him.

People mostly saw Barry as a nerd, someone who is shy and quiet, and Barry was that at points, but he was also this outgoing, courageously, brave person, who'd do anything to protect the people he cares about. He was also a person that always saw the good in others, and Oliver adored that about him.

"So..." Oliver prompted.

"You truly love Barry, then?" Iris said, her eyebrows scrunched together as she studied him.

Oliver nodded slowly, his hands shaking. "I do," he said. "I love him more than I've ever loved anyone."

"Show us," Cisco said, his eyebrows raised.

"Show you what?" Oliver asked, confused.

"How much you love Barry," Joe answered. "If you love him, you'll do it."

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