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•the first semester in university K
-21st January 2008

"welcome , we'll look forward for your hard works here and enjoy your time studying~"

the end of the speech from one of the lecturer there
all of the students clapped as the ceremony ended

y/n seems lost since she doesn't have any friends

"hey there!"
y/n looked back and there's a girl waving at her

"hey" y/n respond

"what's your name , mine is hinata tachibana!"

"it's y/n"

"nice to meet you! , since we're in a same faculty let's have a look around shall we?"

since then they become closer

"see you tomorrow y/n!"
"yeah see you tomorrow too hina!"

y/n walked home alone since hina's little brother is picking her up

while she's walking she stopped by the convenience store to buy some banana milk
suddenly she bumped into someone

"hey watch where you're going , are you blind?"

"ah sorry"

"hey by the way you're friends with hinata right?"

"ah yes i am , do you know her?"

"yes i do"

"that's cool...i guess"
the atmosphere is getting a little awkward

"what's your name?"

"(just put your name here , this would be the last time people be asking your name dw)"

"oh mine is haruka teiji be my friend will you?"

"ah uhm sure"


"but are you friends with hina?"

"i gotta go , see you tomorrow ah btw here's my number call me whenever you want bye!"

'eh? what a weirdo he didn't even answer my question'
y/n bought the banana milk and walked away thinking about the weird guy she met earlier
'that dude's weird , nah let's just forget it'

the day after~

"hina do you perhaps know some dude named haruka teiji?"

"haruka teiji? he's our senior"

"eh? really? you know i bumped into him yesterday and he gave me his number , what's wrong with that guy is he a playboy?"

"no , I've never seen him getting along with anyone , guess he kinda interested in you haha"

"hell nah he asked me if i was your friend and when i said yes he asked for my number right away guess he's interested in you"

"but i already have a boyfriend"

"wait what? you never tell me about this before"

"oh really?haha sorry for that!"

"now tell me about this dude what's so interesting about him that makes the pretty princess fall in love?"

"I'm not a pretty princess and he's just ... too kind"


"his name is hanagaki takemichi , he's a good guy and speaking about my boyfriend why won't you get one for yourself?"

"no way there's gonna be any guy that would be interested in me even if there is , they're not my type"

"that's why you're single idiot"

"shut up"

laughter echoing through y/n's ears as they were spending time together that evening ,
after class they usually hang out at the playground until the sunset , except when hina goes on date with her boyfriend

y/n would be damn bored when hina wasn't around

as they were playing swings , suddenly a guy showed up
"hey there seems fun , can i play with you guys too?"

"ohhh haruka ! of course you can!" hina shouted

"oh so you're haruka?"
y/n replied

"yeah I just happened to walk here and saw you guys playing together"

"oh uh sure come on"

haruka plays along and they start to know each other

they're not a child , but still y/n feels happy as she played along with hina and haruka
they played together until the sun sets

"today was so fun thanks to you guys!"

"no problem haruka! you can join us for tomorrow too , we're going to the arcade tomorrow!" hina replied as she was smiling happily

"yeah its would be boring if it's just both of us"

"damnnn of course I'll join you guys!"

since that day they hangout with each other almost everyday that's how these three got closer and closer

•5th july 2010

today is the last day for y/n to hangout with hina since she's going to move to tokyo with her family

they met in the playground , the usual place for them to hangout

"y/n are you sad that I'm going to leave you?"

"no idiot we have handphone , we still can contact each other right?"

"oh yeah that's right haha i forgot about that but still you won't get to hangout with me anymore"

"if i want to hangout with you , I'll be on the road to tokyo"

"but tokyo is far away from here"

"if it's for you then it's not even far"
y/n smiled

hina's eyes is blurry , she's looking at y/n with tears gathered in her eyes

"hey why would you cry it's not like we can't meet again , but kinda sympathize to your boyfriend haha he would be damn lonely"

"it's not the time to make a joke idiot"
hina wiped away the tears in her eyes trying not to cry

"we'll meet again right?"

"of course! I'll promised"
hina replied but this time she can't control the tears as it was falling from her eyes

"damn you're weak c'mon don't cry"
y/n jokingly laughed

"i hate you"
hina laughed

and that's the last time y/n saw her,
since then y/n spends all of her time alone

as hina's gone , haruka is gone too
didn't even know where he disappeared to.

y/n's life has become boring since then , she attended her class , work , eat and sleep that's her only schedules for everyday

if there's no class then she would work over time taking late night shifts

life has become worser when she never gets to meet hina again

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