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"what?" hanma questioned

"why are we sharing room go to another room stupid" y/n stuttered and it was pretty obvious that she was blushing

"you really thought i was serious about that?"
"there's no way I'm gonna share a room with your stinky ass smell"


"we're going to meet rindou tomorrow , sleep early bcs we're going in the morning"

"can't i just stay here? you can go alone"

"just follow my order you don't wanna get killed here don't you?"
he stared at y/n's face with his deadly eyes
making y/n frightened for a little.

"whatever goodnight"



a beautiful sound of the birds chirping , a bright sunrise can be seen from y/n's room

y/n opened her eyes , feeling a little dizzy. she noticed a dry saliva on her chin and wipes it away , she can't even open her eyes properly

'7.46 a.m.'

she wakes up from her bed and reached the towel
as she's about to go to the bathroom hanma was yelling from downstairs

"y/n wake up"

"already did"
y/n replied in a slow note , not knowing if hanma heard it or not , she goes straight into the bathroom

after taking a bath and fully clothed , she slowly walk downstairs looking for hanma , there's a lot of noises coming from the kitchen maybe it's hanma's doing

"good morning han- , who are you"

"ohhh hey , hanma is outside , wait a minute the breakfast almost done"
a man with pink+purple hair and his hairstyle is kinda weird it looks like a jellyfish but he's kinda handsome too

"oi y/n he's rindou the one i told you about last night" hanma entered the kitchen wearing a suits and a glove

"eh but you said we're going to meet him outside"

"i came here for breakfast we're still going outside later" rindou interrupting their conversation
"tadaaaaa , here's my scramble egg for our precious breakfast"

"rindou it looks like a messed up shit , you really spend 13 minutes making this?"

"shut up man you know nothing about cooking"

y/n felt left out since hanma and rindou were having a lot of conversation without her , they're literally ignoring her presence

they eat together but still rindou and hanma won't stop fighting abt little things such as how bad rindou's scramble egg tasted


"I'll be waiting outside , hanma you'll do the dishes" rindou stated

"you don't tell me what i need to do , I ain't your slave" hanma demanded as he's literally pissed off by rindou's attitude

y/n didn't know how to feel about this it's like she's the only adult there even though they're maybe older than her

"y/n what are you thinking about"

"ha? what?"

"you're gazing away"

"nah i just don't know what to say"

"alright done!, let's go" hanma excitedly grabbing y/n's hands and forcing her to walk with him to the door

"where are we going?"

"meeting rindou's brother dw he's more better than rindou"

"hey i can hear you jackass" rindou hissed , he's standing just centimeters away , in front of hanma's car

"that's the point freak"

"you know what? fck you , get in the car"

they entered the car but weirdly rindou is driving hanma's car this time , they must have a good friendship

they're passing by a few building , y/n never been to tokyo before so it's kinda excites her , she's looking out of the window , there's a crowd of people in the sidewalk , a couple hugging , kids running . what a beautiful town


"aight we're here"

an abandoned building , it looks pretty scary , rindou's brother is homeless too?

"y/n stay by my side"

they walked into the building , hanma and rindou seems relaxed but it goes other way for y/n she's terrified with the building it looks like a bunch of drug dealer's home

"oi he's here"
rindou yelled , there's nothing in front of him is he talking to a ghost?

"i see , welcome hanma" a man appeared behind those walls , talking about that he has a matching tattoos with rindou , he is rindou's brother?

"been a long time huh , ran?"

"hey you might wanna check this out?"
the man talked to someone , he's looking up the stairs

"haha as what i thought you ate the bait , welcome betrayer"

y/n doesn't seems to know that guy , he's wearing a blazer and a pair of glasses , she looked at hanma , he's trembling , his eyes are wide open

"hanma what's wrong?"


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