Every story has its Villan, I just found mine unfortunately quick.

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(Monas P.O.V)
There he stood... the man with the ugly curtain hat.... The Fatui harbinger who tried to trick me. That fool, if he had known I was such a skilled astrologer, maybe he would have given up on his pitiful "friendly" act.
Now I stand to the sidelines in horror of his cruel hearted actions. He was standing there, his hands exerting a strong force of electrical strikes, into his own people?! He was practically killing his own people, Fatui recruits. As much as I HATE the Fatui, they are still human... and watching this heinous act be done, I just couldn't bare it. He was Laughing to, the audacity of this absolute Fatui psychopath!
I couldn't just stand by and watch these people suffer!
I acted quickly, one slip up could mean a fried Mona after all. So I sneak behind the boy. I first am sure to tilt his hat over his eyes as a slight distraction. I then prepare myself to trip him to get the upper hand, but he forcefully grabs my wrist. How was he able to react that quickly?! How was he able to somehow surprise me in my own surprise attack?! In my shock, I'm sure it wasn't to hard for him... He dragged me across the ground like a rag doll, and held my wrist high in front of him. Forcing me to stand before him, helplessly.He must have gotten a good look at his attacker, yours truly.
Pitiful situation really, stuck in the hands of a violently feared Fatui Harbinger... way to go Mona! You idiot, you should have left! No no no anyone but him! Despite fearing for my life, I choose to put on a brave face, I wasn't going to let him think he'd won.
It was almost cute, that stupid shocked look of his. You would think a renowned Fatui Harbinger would be prepared for this kind of thing. I was able to muster up a fake sense of confidence and smirk. "Surprise scumbag~" he obviously wasn't pleased, and responded with an angry glare. He let go of my wrist and used his other hand to push me to the ground.
I weakly attempted to sit myself upright, but he closed in for the kill. He put his dirty, psycho hand on my chin and forced me to look up at him. "Why if it isn't little Miss astrologist? Hmm, how on Tavet did you manage to end up here I wonder? If you could just tell me how and why you are here, I can end this quickly." He stated as he gave me the most fake smile I've ever seen.
It took every bit of my being to not slap his stupid face. He assumes I know what's going on here?! "I thought surely you were the one behind this, so I don't know why I'm here! I simply touched a rock of sorts and then-"
He rudely cut me off with, "What rock? Where did you find it?" He tightened his grip on my chin, it stung, but I know running would be pointless. So I answer his question.
" A black stone, with the sparkle of starlight. I thought something so beautiful... must have been from Celestia. It was in a camp, wrapped in black silk. I touched it and now I'm here. Did that get through that dense head of yours?"
He was silent, and stared at me with a blank expression. I really wish he would stop for it is quite awkward, but being as I don't want to die I say nothing of it. I clear my throat to get his attention. His eyes widened in surprise and he pushed me away from him, not with as violent of an intent this time. Did I manage to fluster a Fatui Harbinger? weird....
He stands up and glares down at me, squinting his eyes as if he has some sort of reason to be angry with me for this?!  I say nothing I simply get up and glare at him back. I will not allow him to think he has power over me.
This made him especially ticked off, I could have sworn I saw his eye twitch.
He stated.
"Mighty brave aren't we Miss. Astrologist? Well that tent you were in was mine. And you have no reason to be meddling in Fatui business!"
What he did next sends shivers up my spine... he smiled... not a fake smile... the smile of a villian.... A ruthless villain who stops at nothing, to get his way. I was scared, but not defenseless like before. I am prepared to use my visionary ability against him now. I get into position to fight, I refuse to let him defeat me!
He hissed out the next words like the true snake he is."You know what the Fatui do to inconveniences right?" Ready as I was the impact was still much to handle. His hands sparked with an electric rage, and a few bolts come rushing my way. With water I send out to silence the first few, the electric aqua hits the ground with a sizzling splash. I act quickly, dodging to his side and sending an attack of water spurts straight at him! Drenched in water and wielding electrical power is not a good mix, he found that out the hard way. He practically growls in pain as electrical sparks sizzle and sparkle on his body. He stumbles, struggling to keep his composure with the electrical currents coursing through his very skin... I see this as a perfect opportunity to make my exit! I guess it didn't take him much to see through my plan, he was enraged... "You're not going to get away!" He exclaims with the grin only a psycho like him could produce. He charges at me full force, his hat flying off of his head as he plunged into me. It hurt, a lot, but my mind was far more focused on yet another problem.... Our battle ground was much shorter than ether of us anticipated.... From off the cliff side we flew, straight towards the watery depths of ocean before us. This dream of mine sure does love putting me in danger, how despicable....

(Authors note: finally some action! And yeah this story may be kinda Scaramouche x Mona... I don't know if I intend on going completely romantic with this, or how exactly their relationship will go. However the goal is, that they will at least come to appreciate the other. Ether way I'm sure fans of these two will still enjoy it! Bye bye everyone!)

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