A puppets strings...

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{Authors Note: Ah! Now back to the dream world we go! I suppose this chapter gives a bit of insight on Scara's perspective. Now that I know him better hopefully writing him will be a little easier. Still angry at him for not coming home but whatever I'll still try to write him respectfully 🙄. I hope they are in character for the most part but anyways enjoy the read.}

(Scaramouche P.O.V)

I don't know how long it has been since I stared at the night sky... even if this one is within a dream, it still bothers me just the same. Only stupid people would believe that the stars can really read their fate, they are simply a farce put up for mortals to believe that they have even an ounce of understanding.
Although, I can see how their beauty can be deceiving, to a mortal, their lives are pitifully short. Put some ounce of shiny hope and dangle it before them, and they will swarm to it like wild dogs.
Pitiful really, it seems their only hope is to cling to celestial beings or believe in the fabrication of lies arranged for them to see. I think, it's best not to cling to anything as your salvation, but rather be able to save yourself.
Which is why, I hate being injured like this. I know that this world isn't real, and don't believe in it's lies, however, that girl does, so apparently that's all that matters.
Aside from me and her, the "Dreamer's" this world appears to be like a worldly prison, composed of scenery resembling the dreamers thoughts and memories. To her, it would only make sense that if I fall like that, then I will injure myself. How do I know this? Well, puppets aren't supposed to bleed and yet, here I bleed as if I was really alive. Only in a dream would I bleed... this theory would also explain why earlier we appeared to be fighting on the side of one of Inazuma's cliffs.
I know this has to be it, but trying to explain it to that mortal would probably just break her mind or something, so it's not worth it. Does she really see me as another human being?
How disgusting...
Now that I think about it, she has been gone for a long time... She probably won't come back this time. Just another traitor, not that I care anymore, people have always been unreliable. They may pretend to be your friend but in the end, they only are kind to keep up their sense of image, or feel better about themselves.
They will leave you behind without a second thought if you are of no use to them...
If this is the case however, I'm going to have to get out of this on my own. Maybe if I convince myself that this wound isn't real the pain will at least lessen, this is all her fault anyway why did I save her?!
This entire world, only exists as a shared dream between us, If only I hadn't touched that stone... human curiosity is the worst!
It would be a not easier if I had found a way out before she was here, with her irritating mortal sense of logic infecting this world, I can't just control it completely with my own will. Even if I could, I don't know how I would force myself to 'wake up'. While this is annoying, it would be a lot more doable if this girl wasn't here.
Why did I have to save her?! Did my weak sense of sympathy slip out somehow? I thought I knew better... I guess not. I will work on that later, I'm wasting time sitting here. This isn't even real! Ugh....
Okay, let's try this again, this isn't real so it shouldn't hurt as much I know that. Ugh... okay it still hurts, but, I think, it's a little better? The pain is still there but I think it should be able to function... Finally, I managed to stand, well more like slightly limp at the moment.  I scan the area, and I think I can see the bit of land the girl must have gone off to. She likely swam over to that small plain of land, and then climbed some vines, up to find that weird fruit... I would never keep such a fruit in my mind, it must be result of her consciousness of this dream mixing with my own.
I hope I don't run into too much of her weird star loving crap... While I can manage to stand, swimming is going to prove quite difficult without my full leg strength. So how am I supposed to manipulate this dream worlds logic to allow me to swim in this state?
I suppose I'll have to think of a way to manipulate this world to my thoughts, but if it doesn't correlate with the girls logic how well is it going to work? Also, does this world have another agenda in mind? This trap really is well designed, if only I myself didn't fall for it, I would probably be impressed.
I wonder if... no now is not the time, I can think more about this later I need to think of how to get out of this situation. Just focus on how to get off this rock, just... do something...
I just need to close my eyes, and focus. I just need to use my eyes and focus on the task at hand.
If I let emotion cloud my judgment, or think too much about the task, then I will waste time when I could have been doing something useful.
Wow... I'm starting to sound like my creator... Why can I not remove myself from the puppet strings she has in my mind?
The only thing I ever learned from her was that my emotions are my only weakness. Never again will I cry for something in this withering world... It's stupid to look for attachments in things that are not built to last.
I take a few steps closer to the edge, but yet again... hesitation hits me. Why? Hesitation won't help me any but for some reason, I can't bring myself any farther.
Am I.... Afraid? How pathetic.
Just think... what could I do here exactly? That girl sees me as a person in pain, so that's what I have become has it? How am I supposed to get out of this then? I know that... I'm not human, but she doesn't know that. I can only get so far...
Just how far exactly... can I afford to go?
Is death even possible here? Or... is all this pain just for show? If I convince myself I can suddenly walk on this water, will it suddenly just work?
Ugh... why must this all be so confusing?!
I take my first step forwards, and...
well nothing unexpected happens. It's just like the water back on Tyvat.
Totally uninteresting... lame.
Ugh curses! I hate this! I hate the gods, and most importantly I hate that girl! Or rather, I hate the fact I saved her...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2023 ⏰

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