Why do you Linger where the stars dare not go?

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(Authors note {skip if you want}: Sorry that I haven't posted a new chapter in a long time. I had quite a lot of homework, and very little inspiration. Since so much is unknown about Scaramouche, it is hard to really get his character accurately and know what exactly to do with the plot. Maybe I'm thinking too much since this is just a fanfiction, but I want to make this interesting and not completely out of character. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!)

(Scaramouche P.O.V)
I must have passed out again, how embarrassing. I hate being this weak. Did this dreamland somehow demote me down to the capabilities of a mere mortal? Normally I can brush off pain like it's nothing. What is this place's intentions? I almost just don't want to know...
Wait, shouldn't that Astrologer be here? Ugh did she really just up and leave me here to die? I didn't expect that from her to tell you the truth, I thought she would likely be like, 'oh my stars he saved me? Wowie I guess it's the stars will for me to help this  soul - kya! But he's so scary!',Or something stupid like that. I don't really need her anyway right? I'm not a ordinary mortal, surely healing a broken bone shouldn't be impossible...
Whatever, ether way I can't just sit here and waste my life away. I try to get up but, god I have never felt such an annoyance of pain before! Down to my knees I go, this is just... ugh I hate this!
I stare at the ground with all the hatred I could muster. I'm still on that stupid rock ledge, now it is filthy and covered in my own blood. I shouldn't have saved that girl....
"Hmm... well aren't you lively now? It's only been what- a day? You were out cold as soon as I patched you up. You hungry?" Oh... there she is... is she trying to tease me? Ugh.... I hate this! I look up at her anyway, with my fake, pretty boy smile.
"Ah so you're back huh? Well, welcome to hell rock as I like to call it. I hope you like it!" I smile just to mess with her, it seems this petty game of teasing is a common problem among us. However I don't mind, seeing a mortal get so angry over such stupid things is... entertaining to say the least. She crosses her arms and furrows her eyebrows, displeased yet again with my behavior. "Oh hush, you have no room to talk all mighty here. You're the one groveling on your knees down there. I suggest you stop being bratty and let me help you. I'll ask this again, slowly so you can understand-" she glares and says "Are. You. Hungry?"
Hmm she seems annoyingly persistent this time. I doubt anything she cooks could possibly taste good, but I don't really have a choice. Normally, I don't need as much food as a mortal due to my enhanced capabilities, however now I think that has changed. I can't tell if this is due to needing more energy to focus on wound repair, or if this is a inconvenience caused by this world.
Tsk- ether way, this is getting annoying. I hate clinging to her like this. I just shrug avoiding looking her general direction. She then smirks as if she just won a major victory, what a dork.
It's then that out of the corner of my eye she holds out some kind of weird yellow fruit- what even is that?
"Are you sure it's not poison?"
I ask, to which she answers me with a smile, " Of course it's not! I know this fruit but I've never had any before~ I always wanted to try it but it cost to much Mora.... Anyway here I'll cut it up so we can split it!"
That silly woman, what exactly is she expecting to cut it with? She turns away from me, and seems to be messing with her hair... weird, but it's now that I noticed that her leggings were basically all shredded fragments of what they used to be... and I could see her legs were pretty scratched up. She must have gone though a lot of trouble to get whatever that is... ugh why do I care again?
She turns around with a beaming smile, holding out the crudely cut piece of fruit. She appears to have used one of her stupid star shaped hair pieces to cut it... "See, look at its shape when cut, it's a star fruit! Isn't that cute?"
Ugh seriously? A star fruit? She's just trying to mess with me at this point. She puts one slice in her mouth with a giggle. "See? It's not poison! Huh? Wait what are you staring at- AHHhhh quit staring at my bear legs you pervert!"
Wait I was staring? Ow! I seriously don't think I earned that kick to the shoulder at all...
She sighs, puts one hand on her hip and leans down to help me up, she then pushes a slice of that fruit to me and sits across from me avoiding any  eye contact.
Hmm it seems she's really sill not loving the idea of helping me.
Why is it that a Studier of stars, is helping someone who the stars dare not to shine their gaze to?
She now seems to be staring at me again, what is it this time? Oh is she seriously expecting me to eat this? I guess I don't really have any other options... and maybe I've pestered her enough as it is. So I gently take it, with no fake expression on my face needed, I take a small bite of the unfortunately shaped fruit. She gasps, and wears the most stupid childish grin on her face.
She pats me on the head saying "Good boy" and I almost wanted to throw up in disgust... but I didn't obviously.
Once I had finished it, she got right up in my face, does this woman have no dignity? "Hmmm you seem different then normal, are you still tired or something ?" I say nothing and just look at her blankly. "Fine be that way then!"
She then sits down right in front of me, being sure to uncomfortably stare me in the eyes. What does she want? Has she fallen for my appearance or something? After an awkward silence she speaks in a soft voice, " Um... could you tell me your name? I don't really know what it is... and I'm sure you don't go by 'Fatui'." For most people this question would probably be really easy to answer, but I go by many names. The one given to me after my creation, the many names given to me as a Fatui, how much should I be willing to share with this childish woman?
"You may call me, Scaramouche, if you so wish." She looked slightly shocked that I answered so quickly, but what does it matter? It's just a title, to me a name only means something if the person bearing it makes it known.  This title is just a gift granted to me by the
  Tsaritsa herself. So who am I to reject it?
The girl looks as if she is about to speak, although I really don't care what her name is to be blunt.  "Well then, my name is-" I interrupt her by putting a finger up to her lips,  casing her to stare at me wide eyed in confusion. "Look, We both know that we hate each other, and we are only working together due to certain circumstances. I'll be clear with you, I don't intend to be friends. So let's just get this business over with and-"
she pushes my hand away and glares at me. " I wasn't saying we would be friends, but it's very rude to interrupt my introduction 'Scaramouche'! My name is Mona for your information, I don't care if you like me, it is as fate tells me to help you that I... I am going to stay by your side for now. I know you're a Fatui harbinger, but you saved my life... so could you please just stop resisting and let me return the favor?"
That was the last words we spoke to each other for awhile...  She left in a huff her last words sinking into my mind.  She really thinks that fate is telling her to help me?
Gods when will this nightmare end.

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