it was a lovely school day close to last period. everyone was either happy school was going to end or tried of the long school day they just had, but not for kevin he had his mind on one girl in his class.
that person was no other then y/n
y/n was a normal school she had long silky blonde hair that would touch he feet it was lovely. they also had beautiful blue orbs that could shine throw the died an bring them alive again. in kevins eyes she was perfect.
but why does kevin think this was of one of his classmates he did have villainly things to do with gru his boss, but lately gru didnt have any work to do with the minons so kevin has found himself thinking about girls.
it was odd why outof everyone he had to think of one stink and bitch named y/n he was really confused.
because of y/n looks they would often get edit of them looking like gojo because of the blue eyes but y/n just have to ignore the haters because they aren't like other girls.
(these are the pics that people would edit of y/n enjoy <33)
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timeskip to the end of school~
school was now over there was no homework so kevin can help his other minions frineds. whille y/n can be the baddie that they are at home of course cant be showing this budssy for free now can we?
kevins pov~ *i have nothing to do after school gru dosent want to do any villan things. maybe i should ask y/n what thay are doing after school..*
back to 3ed person pov~
and that is what kevin did he want up to y/n. luckily for him they weren't around anyone so asking her wont be hard at all.
kevin want up to ask when if they could hang out after school y/n agreed and they would meet up at around 5.
kevins pov~ *omgtheysaidyesicantbelievethis wait why am i thinking like this it isnt a date right? what if they think its a date omg do i have to tell the other minions about this? *
i was so lost in thought i didn't even realize that i was home already . i have time to kill so i should be okay for now that is..
y/n pov~ *why would a smart person like kevin as me out? better be worth it i haven't thought of someone like that but now that i think about it his yellow skin is really pretty..* i have to go home tho, its not like i have a home to go to anyway.. i shack my head to get rid of the bad thoughts i was having and kept walking.