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as both of the kids were getting ready for there time together none of them could shake the nerves that was flowing though their bodys it was something new to both of them.

kevin was the first on done. he began to head out to find y/ns house.

(this is what kevin wore)

he wanted to show y/n whats it like to be with a real man a gang man

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he wanted to show y/n whats it like to be with a real man a gang man. thats why before he left he put on his black air forces and went looking for y/n.

as y/n was getting ready they couldn't shake thr feeling in thier gut it was new to them. y/ns outfit was already done but they couldn't fine a rubber band to but their hair in a messy bun so they had a break down. but y/n being the girl boss she is pushed throw and found a rubber band and started to beat box but had to stop when she hread a knock on ghe front door.

when y/n opened the door they were met with kevins sexy 6,7 body length self. y/n couldn't help but think about if kevin was packin-.

'wassup ma you looking really good do a filp'

and thats what y/n did a filp.

this is y/n outfit~

'T-t-thank you, you look very handsome as well kevin'

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'T-t-thank you, you look very handsome as well kevin'

'thanks mamas where my hug at'

y/n went to give kevin a hug and then they went to their lovely date at mc donalds.

after eating there  happy meal they talked about thier past y/n wasn't paying much attention tho she was to busy looking at kevins hot angey red or should i say yellow ding dong 3000 being tucked away in his grey sweat pants tho it made y/ns mouth water 🤤🤤.

when y/n started to talk they began to break down because it was hard telling people that your family left you because you didn't stan the queen of rap.

kevin understood and played the song Barbie things to try and change y/ns mind about the queen of rap...

but it didnt work and kevin ended up leaving how could you be with some one who doesn't like Nicki Minaj?

thus y/n had a plan to win his heart back..what will it be?

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