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The messages flooded in giving warm greetings and welcomes towards Helen.

she joyfully typed her replies. A warm smile graced her face as the conversations went on, talks of her favourite members, songs, and even their best hair colours, and so on.

???: Hi

a message from an unsaved number popped up on the top of her screen, as if by habit she opened the message,

Helen: hey

she replied assuming this unknown messenger was from her newly joined group.

Her eyes scanned the screen, the persons profile pic suddenly peaking her interest, she clicked on it to have a closer look, and, to her surprise, she felt a tingle in her chest. '

"Wow" she let out unknowingly.

'he's cute...no just damn right adorable' she thought

Junyeong: I'm Junyeong, but just call me Jun, I'm 15 years old from Korea"

Another message, this time introducing himself.

'So his name is Jun' she thought.

She screenshotted the messages and sent it to her three best friends Rei, Haru and Eric with the caption:

Should I reply?
Aaah ok I will...

she sent, replying to herself as the others didn't, she once again went over to the boys contact and sent

Helen: I'm helen from that Carats group nice to meet you.

She replied with an introduction of herself along with a question

Helen: 🤣🤣 do you all have an intro card?

Jun: Maybe

Helen: Oh wow
Well ig I will call you Jun?

Jun: Yep

The friendly exchange went on as they talked for a while.

However the large grin that was now plastered over her face was soon removed by the familiar sound of her grouchy teacher questioning whether or not she had done the work that was set...

which she hadn't she realised as she stared at her empty page and then to the snarling mug of her teacher as she grunted the word detention just as the bell rang.

Helen sat there in utter defeat as she watched the rest of the class leave the classroom.

She caught a glimpse of her friend haru who gave a finger heart and a wave before skipping out the door, probably off to report to rei and Eric that a phone and an empty page was the reasons Helen wouldn't be walking home with them...instead she was spending more quality time with the o so kind maths teacher of theirs.

Helen sighed in pain just thinking of how the next hour would go.

Later on, she was finally released from the evil clutches of her maths teacher.

helen slumped onto her bed after being picked up by yet another angry potato who spent the whole journey giving lectures on how important doing work is for her future bla bla bla...

but let's face it..no one actually did work in class...she was just the only one who got caught.

Anyway she picked up her phone that had been buzzing for ages now.

Trying her best not to wack her heard against a wall as she read through the ridiculous messages of her friends from the last hour, her attention was quickly stolen though as she saw the name of the contact underneath the chat of her and her crackheads.


she entered the chat between them, getting exited once again, she returned to her weird ass friends' chat And sent

Helen: what should I dooo?

Unlike last time, they replied immediately,

Rei: Aww seems nice who is he??

Haru: wassssup...how was detention?? Fun? 😉I know you enjoyed it

Helen: oh shut it I'm pretty sure your the only one who enjoys detention

Haru: what no I don't!! Ok maybe o do but only when it's that really hot teacher mr Kim😍

Rei: 💁‍♀️🤦‍♀️ oh stop simping over your 25 year old music teacher you weirdo I bet he's already married!!

Haru: nooo you don't know that

Rei: not yet, but I can find out, bet he is

Haru: tch


Rei: oh yeah your person...what's his name...Jun...so? Who is he? 😏

Helen: he's from a new chat I joined He's reaaaally nice and cute, I wanna talk to him more

Haru: woah there first he's like said one sentence...also what happened to mr fabulous already over him??

Helen: absolutely not!! Luka's obviously still my one and only 😌

Rei: ew you sound gross...just confess to him already everyone knows you like him

Helen: buuut...

Rei: ok well are you gonna talk to your Jun person or not?"

Helen: ofc but I don't know what to say

Rei: ask for his bias or something...

Haru: genius

Rei: ikr you should listen to me more often

Helen: oh btw where's Eric he hasn't spoken

Haru: dunno but he was talking earlier

Rei: maybe sleeping...unlike the rest of us he actually has a good sleep routine

Haru: oh good point...

Helen: ok I'm gonna talk to Jun now bye

Haru: good luck

Rei: have fun

Helen Giggled as she sent the message to Jun, she put her phone on the table next to her bed and got ready to sleep.
she figured he would still be asleep so she decided to sleep too.

The next morning she left for school meeting Rei and Haru by the bus stop.

"So how'd it go with dream boy?" rei asked almost straight away as Haru tried not to smirk

"wow that fits too well" Haru said still laughing.

Helen just clicked her tongue at her smug friends

"I don't think he's replied yet" she said, "

oh how sad". They said in unison.

They spent the rest of the ride talking about random things that amused them.

When they had finally got off the bus, they walked into school and made their way into the classroom.

Just as they took their seats helen heard a ping from her phone to which she immediately took a look

"guys guys he's replied!!"

She said in excitement, they rushed to crowd round her to take a look

Jun: Hoshi and the8, what about you?😊

Just as they read the message the phone was snatched from Helen, as they looked up to see  the smirking faces of Eric and Luka (the current 'love of her life')  waving it about, then turning to look at the screen

"Jun heart" Luka read out "who's this? Your boyfriend?

Helens eyes widened in shock as she leapt  from her seat to try and retrieve the phone, while Rei and Haru soon did the same after giving each other a horrified look of  'oh sh*t'

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