1 ... The Worst.

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Sirens rang and rang, what's happening?
Voices shouted loud screams, it's so loud. I can't see, everything is black..?


Who's voice is that? I seriously cannot tell. Am I dreaming? I can't even remember what happened, am I..

Am I dead?

Everything is black, now I really can't hear. My body felt drained of everything, energy, water, food, color, blood. I didn't hear a word, a siren, or a shout now. I couldn't even feel, feel that I'm alive. I'm dead. I have to be.

I opened my eyes, I saw a boy. He had fluffy, brown hair, he seemed to be running towards me. I couldn't move, I was paralyzed. He hugged me with tears in his eyes. I saw another person behind him, he gave off a terrifying energy. He had blond hair. Blue eyes, and a green bucket had? How funny. I know him, but I don't know the boy hugging me. The blonde haired adult is Phil. Oh, Techno is here too! I smiled, getting up.


I just phased through the brown haired boy, He turned around. His eyes were grey and filled with pain and sadness.

"Tommy?" He spoke.

How does he know my name? Who is this..?
He walked up to me and held my hand.

"What's wrong?" He teared up.

Who is this? Who is this? I don't know you?!

"He's nobody you want, Tommy." Phil put a hand on my shoulder.

I felt blood fall from my mouth.

I started coughing and coughing, What's happening?! Blood was all over the floor, I fell to my knees, only looking up to see the brown haired boys terrified expression.

His face haunted me.

I'm dead again.

I can't see again?! Help help help I can't feel anything!? I cried and cried, I just know I was. I can't hear the boys shouts anymore..

That's how I knew I was dead.

I opened my eyes, I am alive..?

I looked down at my shaking hands, I then looked at my surroundings. I was back in a hospital.

How did I end up here??!!!!!

"AHH" I screamed, hoping somebody would hear me. I was all alone in the room, I quickly grabbed my head, ripping my hair and crying.

I felt a sharp pain in my arm, I had ripped out a feeding tube. I screamed even more, I was in so much pain.

"Tommy?!" Multiple doctors ran in. Quickly they aided me, sticking back in my tube and bandaging my bleeding arm. I had massive bandages on my arms, then a bandage on my head too. I could feel it.

Suddenly, 4 others walked in. Ranboo, Karl, Techno, and... Wil? Wilbur? Who is that.. I don't remember him. Oh no. Am I supposed to know him?! I know his name!?

Jealousy, Where do I even begin? | tommyinnit angstWhere stories live. Discover now