8... Hope.

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Ranboo POV

I was extremely worried about Wilbur to say the least. If he dies I don't know what I'll do. Maybe this is good for him? Maybe he needs this. If he dies he'll be at peace, if he doesn't die he will recovery well with me. Because no matter what happens if he wakes up, he is staying with me.

I opened my phone, going to text Tommy.,

'You can no longer send messages to this receiver.'

"What the hell?" I stammered, a hand leaving the phone, heading for my face. "Why am I blocked?"

I instantly knew this had to be one of Tubbo's little tricks to isolate Tommy, and i'm not gonna let it happen. I grabbed my keys and headed for my car, driving over to his house.

I knocked on his door, and of course Tommy and Tubbo were the ones to answer. Tubbo gave me a snarled look whilst I shot a poisonous one back. On the other hand the blonde had a shuddered expression, almost as if I could feel his heart racing at the sight of me.

"What do you want bo-"

"I'm here to talk to Tommy, not you." I cut off Tubbo, throwing an offense quietly to shut him up.

"Y-yea." Tommy gulped, "Okay.. Uhm let's go upstairs, Tubbo you stay here.."

He took me inside and we went up to Wilbur's room, "Isn't this Wil's room?" I asked.

Tommy looked a little embarrassed, "Wilbur said we shared..? I don't know." His head dropped from thinking about Wilbur again.

"Okay.. anyways, how have you been?"

"Just get to the point." Tommy spoke instantly, jeez..

"Uhm, Okay? Why'd you block me?" I headed straight to what he knew this was about.

"Why'd YOU lie to me?!" He grew aggressive with a slight red in his cheeks, swiping his blonde hair out of his face.

"About what?! I didn't do anything, Tommy?!" I yelped in disdain, i'm so over this already.

"You know what! How you and Tubbo really stopped being friends!! You liked talking shit about me!" The blonde raised his voice in retaliation.

"What?! I told you the truth Tommy!" What is he on about?! What the hell did Tubbo tell him?!

Tommy looked at me in pure and udder anger, for no reason whatsoever? Why would he choose to listen to Tubbo?! What makes him want to cling onto Tubbo so bad?

"How can I be sure? I don't want Tubbo to leave me.." He suddenly got gloss in his eyes.


"Why do you have to ruin this?! I just wanted Tubbo to be back and I known I shouldn't have blocked you but I just did! I'm sorry, Ranboo.." He soon cried. I got up instantly and walked over to him, giving him a hugging gesture. He nodded and melted into my hug.

"I'm sorry for whatever I ruined.. But please listen to me when I say that I would never lie to you Tommy.." I looked into his eyes, "You don't have to be afraid to talk to me, ever." I smiled.

He grinned a little bit, "But then him and Wilbur will both be gone?"

Is that why he's doing this? Because he doesn't know Wilbur? Tommy forgot Wilbur and was desperately clinging onto Tubbo, but hurting others and losing others in the process.

"I'm sorry, Tommy. I really am. I'm sure Wilbur will be okay and I'm sure you guys will grow your bond again..?" I gave him false hope. Wilbur isn't going to live here when he's out of recovery. He's gonna be sent to a mental hospital or i'll take him.

"Really? He'll get better?" He looked up at me, hope in his eyes. I nodded, fearing what happens next.

"But he's so.. So hurt. He needs help, Wilbur needs a lot of help and he doesn't want it. He won't." Tommy knew his brother well.

"I know, Tommy, I know. But you believe in him right? He'll get better one day!" I smiled.

He gave a small smile back, looking at Wilbur's bed. "It's quite lonely when i'm in here and.. Tubbo's sleeping in a different room." He started crying again, "I lit a candle for him last night and I just couldn't stop sobbing. It's like he's dead." Tommy was choking through his words, sobbing, and then gave up and just cried into my chest. I ran my hand through his hair, not talking. I don't want to sound condescending or upset.

"He'll make it, I promise." I whispered.

There was a knock on the door, "Who is it?" I snarled, expecting Tubbo.

"Me! Hi, Ranboo." Karl answered.

I sighed in relief, "Come in, but be quiet."

He walked in to see Tommy sleeping in Wilbur's bed, hugging a pillow and covered in blankets. "Aw" Karl cooed, "Anyways, what's going on?" He sounded serious.

"What do you mean..?" I tilted my head.

"I came downstairs to ask if Tommy and Tubbo wanted food and I only saw Tubbo, he was pacing the floor, sweating, and overall just a nervous wreck?" Karl said.

"Oh.. Yeah well probably because I needed to talk to Tommy about something and me and Tubbo arent really friends.." My shoulders raised in a cowardly way.

"Ohhh... Right." He pursed his lips, "Well is Tommy okay?"

"Yeah.. He was upset about Wilbur though. Also, Tubbo completely lied to him about me." I groaned and rolled my eyes, angered still.

"Sounds about Tubbo!" Karl laughed, I giggled along. "But seriously, I don't think he should be around Tommy if he's gonna get in between you guys." His eyebrows furrowed.

"Can you go talk to him?" I asked, I didn't want to talk to Tubbo any longer.

Karl nodded and walked out of the room. I looked at Tommy and walked out of the room too, going downstairs. I walked to the kitchen and got a glass of water, slowly walking back up.

I placed it on the nightstand next to Wilbur's bed where Tommy slept. The moon shined through the blinds right onto his face, revealing his bright colored hair.

I really hope Wilbur wakes up.

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