Chapter 11

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THE SKY IS made of light

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THE SKY IS made of light. It showers a path down to us to let us see everything. To not hide anything we may hide or be hidden from. And then the night rains in like a divider showing us humans what exactly we are capable of. All the scandalous things happen when the sun is asleep and so are the people. But it always narrows down at me that even at night there are stars. A path of light shining through the darkness.

I hated the stars.

Some people wish upon them for good things while others find solace and comfort in them. I do not. I used to wish upon every star I saw when I was younger wanting to coin one as my own but as the years passed and the planets orbited I realized just how much I hate them. They take away all the comfort from the night itself. The long ethereal blanket is not trusted to even be alone. Darkness is unable to stand on its own. The moon or stars would showcase themselves.

That's how I felt. Like the night. Always deemed lower and always judged by stereotypes.

There wasn't a person who would not question it. My own mother had been mortified when I had dyed two strands of my hair blue. She'd asked me what people would think and how I would be judged.

That day I found just how cruel the world was. Just how cruel it could be.

That's when I stopped giving a shit. Because theoretically you only lived once. And I wanted to have an echo left behind after me. I did not care about how I would be remembered as long as I was remembered.

I could be known as the bitch. Sure.

But I could also be the one known as the girl who lived to the fullest. Who made the mistakes, who was wild and reckless and chaotic. Who not just breathed but lived.

That's when I flipped my personality. I chose to be chaotic and spontaneous. Fuck the consequences because they are only temporary.

As I walked down the stairs swiftly leaping at the edge my sole destination was to uphold the library for research. It was nearly 5 and I had plenty of time to devour knowledge till Aaron decided to show up.

My clothes would remain the same as they were now. A hoodie and jeans.

Aaron may not have noticed that we'd left only a week to finish our project but I did. My whole consciousness was weighing down stressed at the time crunch.

A project made for a month done in 12 hours of a week.

And that being Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet as well. I had made the effort to text Aaron that in which he'd left me on read. If it had been anyone else I might have pummelled their face or dread in anxiety but knowing the shithead I'd sent it to my nerves did not care.

I rushed to the library jogging up the slope towards the navy blue doors. As I was about to enter a body barricaded me from stepping in.

I muster an awkward laugh trying to pass through but there other kept side-stepping the same. Looking up I froze noting him.

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