Chapter 40

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I WAS EXHAUSTED and tired to say the least

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I WAS EXHAUSTED and tired to say the least. My back aches whilst my head thrummed as I blinked away the sleepiness fishing out the silver keys from my waitress uniform.

How was my day? Well to summarize it: Horrendous. I had never seen soo many topping in my life. Line after line of people demanding food and kids banging utensils and crying. God the awful wailing still run in the back of my head.

It especially annoyed me how they would sneak up behind me or somehow end up throwing stuff on the floors. And in turn I would have to clean up jolt down orders.

Pressing the handle down I pushed the door open and locked it behind me. My eyes locked on the clock with a sigh as I yawned stretching my arms behind me.

12:30 am.

I worked overtime hoping to get more money. I did fortunately.

The whole dorm was dim and sale safe for the small flickering of the kitchen lamp. I extended my arm out touching the sofa hoping to not trip over and die at the moment.

Tomorrow Aaron and I were traveling to his parents place. I was elated and extremely anxious. A lot was riding on this. More then I hoped. Plus I needed to finish a certain something before we left tomorrow night. Something that would sort out everything for the better I hope.

I also did not know how his parents would perceive me. Would they hate me? I mean they could critique me in any form or thing and I would feel entitled to shoot back but for the sake of peace I would keep my cool. I heard he had a brother too. Older one who seems to be an academic snob. His father being the top of that list.

He loves his mother but I internally held a small grudge considering she held no power for her son. What kind of mother would not stand up for her own son?

But right now I would not dwindle on those thoughts. I snapped out of them and headed for my room. The door was already open a fraction as I entered and nearly tripped on my school shoes I had scattered in the morning. I really needed to clean up before I left.

Undoing my hair I ran a hand through it untangling any knots and soothing my aching scalp.

I perched on the edge of my bed kicking my white sneakers off and hearing them thud wherever they fell off too.

Only when a shuffle became present did I realize I was not alone in the room. I peered over my shoulder to see Aaron asleep on my bed with a laptop laid on his stomach. Smiling I picked it up and placed it on my desk.

He had tried to stay up for me. Aaron had the night planned. We would watch Greys Anatomy and then a fast and furious movie for him. It was fair and fun but unfortunately I was overtime.

I did not bother changing out of my clothes. My uniform had to do for now as I scooted on my bed and laid down pressing my hands under my cheek.

I yawned again fluttering my eyes shut extending my leg into a more comfortable position.

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