Fourteen - Unpaid Debts

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~Zeyfa's POV~

     I looked around at the chaos that laid around Cid's parlor. Bodies everywhere along with some blood. Well, nothing new here other than a little bit of cleaning to be done. "That's her. She's the one you want," a voice called getting my attention off the mess of the parlor. Roland Durand.

     "It has come to my attention that you have stolen our shipment of spice. Return it to us, and we will consider this issue resolved," the head Pyke said.

     "Not sure what he's been telling you, but we don't have any spice," Cid started, attempting to get them to leave us be. Though, as expected, it didn't work.

     "Kill them all."

     "Wait. We don't have the spice on us, but we know where it is."

     "My patience is wearing very thin. If you know where the spice is, then you should have no problem retrieving it. Until you do, the child stays here." I heard the other's raise their guns and thought that this is not the way I wanted to die. Surrounded by idiots and died over spice.

     "Not happening."

     "You misunderstand. This is not a negotiation." CId and I both gave each other a look before turning to the others.

     "Listen up," I started, getting them to turn to me for a second only to return their stares' back at the Pyke's. "You di'kut's don't know who your dealing with and if you don't put down the blasters, we'll all wish we were dead. We can trust them to hold Omega safely until we get the spice back, they won't turn on their word. So let Cid and I handle this."

     "We are not leaving Omega with them."

     "I swear to the Manda'lore himself, Hunter, I will knock you out right now if I have too. We know where the spice is. We get the spice, we get Omega back. There's no negotiating that. We all know that. Omega will be fine." Hunter seemed to finally get the idea and nodded to the others, all of them lowering their weapons.

    "We'll have the spice back by tomorrow," Cid said, motioning for Omega to go over to them. After coming to terms with each other, we made our way out of the parlor and back to my base so we could get the Marauder for our... excursion to the caverns to get the spice back.

     Walking up to the ships' boarding ramp, we came up with a simple plan, one that would hopefully work. Cid and Wrecker would repel down into the caverns and retrieve the spice while  the rest of us would stay with the ship. Tech said he could make a large flash bang of sorts in case we overstayed our welcome and the colony of Irlings woke up. Easy, right?

     Wrong. So very, very wrong. The first half of the plan? Smooth as all can be. Cid and Wrecker repelled down into the cavern managing to get four of the crates back up to us before the plan went south. When Cid and Wrecker were bringing up the last two crates, they bumped into one of the stationary carts and caused it to crash into the nest.

     "Tech!" Hunter started.

     "I'm almost done! Zeyfa distract them!"

     "What do you want me to do?!" I shot back.

     "What you've been practicing!" I groaned and edged out onto the boarding ramp.

      "I've practiced it three times Tech. Three!"

     "What you've been- what have you been practicing?" Hunter questioned, grabbing my arm as I almost slipped from the ramp as a Irling bumped into the ship.

     "Just try it Zeyfa, I'm sure it will be fine."

     "Just try it Zeyfa, I'm sure it will be fine," I mocked turning to Hunter. "Just make sure I don't fall off the ramp." Holding my hands out and focusing on the Irlings. Ever since I had that last nightmare and told Tech about most of my past, he had looked up as much as he could on Jedi tricks to try and help me if I ended up waking up in the middle of the night. Since 'boxing at two in the morning most nights isn't healthy' like I know it's not healthy, it's a coping mechanism.

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