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There's a newfound tension in the room as the person's voice continues to echo off the walls. I see Erica still chewing on her cookie, doing a double surveyance of the room. "Oh Erica, you aren't going to find anything, no matter how prying your eyes are." I wince, knowing that in some way, the person is correct. With the added effect of echoes, and only barren walls, she can try to pinpoint them as much as she wants, but it's not happening. The room goes silent again, maybe just a pause between sentences. Something tells me though, that the person is gone. "Well this is nice," I mutter. Watching Erica eat the last of my cookie, as well as the annoying voice has left me in a state of pissed off.  But Erica does as she always has; broods quietly. Half of me wants to speculate, and discuss with her about our situation. The other, more childish half tells me to also brood quietly. And so I sulk to my corner, trying my best to look productive. I lean against the wall, the cool glass calming me. Wait a minute. Glass?  I whip around and knock against the wall. My movement catches Erica's attention, and she walks over to where I am. With a delighted hum, she taps the wall twice with her finger. We come to an unspoken consensus. We're in a glass box, with people most likely watching us from all sides. We turn to face each other at the same moment, our broodiness forgotten. Erica's arms wrap around my waist, slowly meeting at the small of my back, her hands sit there, entwined. Her unexpected touch makes my hands tingle. She leans in, her blue eyes holding mine in place. "It seems like they can hear and see us, however..." her face is an inch away from mine, "we're spies," her lips find mine, with slow certainty. At this moment I don't know what's coursing through her head, and that's what makes her so attractive in this moment. She's always been something to admire from afar, but in this moment, I feel that she's letting me in, only somewhat. And then she plants something on my chin. I grunt from the sudden pain, but she isn't fazed. She rests her cheek on my shoulder and whispers, "Nitro." 

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