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George was woken up by the obnoxious sounding alarm on his bedside table.

With a groan George got up
out of bed and walked towards the bathroom.

He reluctantly picked up his green toothbrush and applied the minty toothpaste to the bristles.

While he was brushing he noticed more writing on the back of his hand in the mirror.

He took the toothbrush out of his mouth and turned his hand around so he could see.


George stared at his hand for moment before quickly tossing his toothbrush in the sink and spiting out what was still in his mouth.

He sat down on his bed and picked up the pen from the table next to it.
George was about to write a response but then stopped.

What would he write?
What's normally the first thing you say to someone?

"What's your name?"

George sighed as he looked at what he wrote.
He was about to rub it off to write something els but he could already see pen lines appearing on his arm.

"Clay! And yours?"

How is this even possible?
George thought to himself.
He Began to write back


The person he was talking to had rather rushed and messy handwriting.

It was definitely legible but compared to George's it looked awful.

Because of this it was easy to tell who was speaking.

George set down the pen on the table while still not taking his eyes away from his arm which already had ink appearing.

"So George, what's you favourite song?"

He sat and thought about the question for a while before picking up the pen again to answer.

"can't help falling in love."

He had a rather old music taste and he was worried that clay wouldn't feel the same.

"Ok George we've only been talking a few minutes calm down"

"No that's not what I meant! It's the song."

There was no longer any room on either of George's arms so he went into the bathroom so he could wash it away.

Once it was all gone he noticed something written on his leg

"I'm only messing with you! Yeah I love Elvis."

George felt his cheeks go warm and quickly covered them out of embarrassment even though there was no one was there.

"You do?"

"Yeah of corse! Especially that song"

George was never that good and talking to people and he never really enjoyed it.

But this felt different. And he never wanted it to end.

And just like clockwork the words

"Oh wait I'm sorry I've gtg"

Appeared on his arm and almost immediately got wiped off from the other end.

George sighed and carefully placed the pen inside the box and continued to get ready for the day.

It was sapnaps birthday in two days and so George wanted to get him something special.

He was going to go out and get him this thing sapnaps been asking for for a while.

Saps dream was to have his own cafe.
He loved food and everything to do with food.

Most of the time when they went out they would go to this certain cafe that had a beautiful interior and even more stunning outside area.

It had sage green ivy that cascaded down the building delicately, complementing the doorway.

And had some colourful, vibrant flowers that were intentionally placed close to all the tables so you could smell the sweet aroma.

And sap loved it. He loved it so much that he was planning on buying it one day!

The cafe was unfortunately going out of business and so sapnap was dedicated to making sure that didn't happen by going there at least once a day.

It was sweet but George wasn't sure if that would really work-

None the less George wanted to help! And that would be his birthday present!!

But before he could go he had to get dressed.

George slipped on some back jeans an oversized hoodie and some trainers before grabbing his phone, keys, wallet and heading out.

While George was walking to the cafe he caught sight of a boy.

He had dirty blonde hair and soft emerald green eyes.
For some reason George couldn't take his eyes of him, no matter how hard he tried.

The boy was sat waiting at a bus stop on his phone.
It was the very same bus stop the George had to wait at to get to the cafe.

And so he sat next to the boy, still not being able to look away for some strange reason.

Tears. Why? Why was he crying?
He doesn't know the man, why is he crying.

George couldn't help it.
Tear after tear after tear.
But no noise.

He couldn't hear anything and the whole of George's surroundings has disappeared other then the boy.

The boy he just couldn't look away from. The boy that he was crying over. The boy he didn't even know.

George watched as he stood up and walked into a bus.
And he sat there.
All the noice of all the busy people and loud cars had returned.

But the tears wouldn't stop falling.
George felt no sadness none at all.
He had no idea why he was crying, or who that boy was.

His bus. Ah! His bus was here!!

George stood up puffy-eyes and red-faced and walked up into the vehicle.

He handed the bus driver the money and sat at the very back of it.

Rain hit the side of the red and white bus like the tears that had fallen down his cheeks moments before.

And the sky had gone from a pleasant blue to a grimy grey.

A few minutes later George had arrived at the cafe.

He walked off thanking the driver and headed up to the entrance of the pretty building.

Oh no.

At the door of the cafe was a nailed on sign with the words

Closed until further notice

Sapnaps going to be heart broken.
This beautiful building-

He called his friend to tell him to news and he picked up immediately.

"Yeah hey what's up."
George sighed
"The cafe it's-"
"Gone. I know I went up there earlier and it's closed."

Sapnap said disappointed.
"I'm so sorry sap.."
"No it's fine! I'll find a new place. It just sucks that I couldn't get to that one in time."

They continued to talk for a while before George ended and started waiting for the next bus back.

Word count: 1088

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