1| advanced english

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Charlie's pov
I get to school early to avoid the crowded corridors, and head straight to Advanced English. I arrive at the classroom and open the door, walking in. There's already one girl here and she's sat by the windows in the third row.

She's beautiful.

She's wearing headphones and listening to music on her Walkman. I wonder what's she's listening to and if I know or like any of the songs. I snap back into reality, when I hear the teacher stand up from his chair to greet me.

"Good morning. I'm Mr Anderson." He says, holding his hand out with a friendly smile on his face.

"Hello." I reply, quickly shaking his hand and avoiding his gaze.

"What's your name?" Mr Anderson asks, sitting back down at his desk, scrolling on his computer.

"Charlie Kelmeckis." I answer, awkwardly fiddling with the straps on my backpack.

"Well, Charlie, its nice to meet you. Take a seat wherever you'd like." He says, typing on his computer.

"Thanks." I say, making my way down the isle, and sitting in the same row as the girl but a few seats over. I look at the girl again, but quickly look away when she looks over. I hope she doesn't think I'm weird for staring.

Y/n's pov
The boy, who just walked in, sits in the same row as me but a few seats over. I kinda wish he sat next to me so I won't be bored waiting for school to start. I look over at him and he quickly looks away, making me do the same. I take a deep breath and decide I'll pluck up the courage to talk to him. Patrick and Sam did tell me I had to at least try and talk to other people beside our friendship group, especially since this is their last year of school and I'm only a freshman. I take my headphones off, placing them on my desk, looking over at the boy once again.

"Hey, what's your name?" I ask. He looks up from his desk at me. We avoid eye contact, but that doesn't bother me because I don't like eye contact anyways.

"Charlie." He replies, his voice the same quiet volume as mine.

"Nice to meet you Charlie, I'm Y/n." I say, then we both look back at our desks, fidgeting.

"... Do you wanna sit next to me in case we have to partner up for something? Cause I don't really want to sit with new people." I ask, fiddling with the cables of my headphones.

"Okay." He smiles, standing up and walking over. He sits at the desk next to mine and I smile back.

"What were you listening to?" He asks, pointing at my Walkman. I smile, happy he is actually talking to me and that we're not just sat in silence.

"Oh, it's a mixtape with all my favourite songs on. Wanna listen?" I ask, receiving a nod. I lean towards him and put the headphones over his ears, pressing play on my Walkman. I can still kinda hear the music as my headphones are really bad. 'There Is a Light That Never Goes Out' by the Smiths is playing. He smiles at me. A genuine smile, making me blush. We actually share eye contact unlike before, and usually it makes me feel uncomfortable and nervous, but just then, with him, all those bad feelings disappeared.

"You like the Smiths!?" He asks, excited, pulling the headphones down to around his neck. The music still faintly playing, just loud enough for us both to hear.

"To die by your side, is such a heavenly way to die." I kinda sing along with the song, smiling. Charlie looks at me in awe, making me blush even more.

"Yeah, I love 'em." I say, looking back down at the mixtape case, to hide my blush.

"Me too." He chuckles, smiling to himself. I've never been able to talk to someone so naturally before. I'm so glad I decided to talk to Charlie. He's such a nice guy. He's really charming and handsome too.

We spend the rest of the 20 minutes before Advanced English discussing our favourite bands, albums, songs, books and movies. This is the best conversation I've ever had with someone, and I'm friends with Patrick and Sam! I wish Charlie and I both got to school even earlier so we could talk for longer. But I'm thankful we even got to talk at all.

Charlie's pov
Next week I'm going to come to Advanced English even earlier, so I can talk to Y/n for longer. I haven't had such a good conversation and connection with someone since Michael. I want to tell Y/n that, but she doesn't know Michael, so I don't think she'd understand what I mean. It was so crazy, cause we even kept talking while the rest of the class were coming in. Usually, I would sit in silence as soon as another person enters, but Y/n and I were so invested in our conversation, I didn't even notice. Mr Anderson then shushed the class, which included me for the first time, before starting the lesson.

"I'm Mr Anderson. And thanks to Teach for America, I'm going to be your teacher for freshman English. This semester, we're going to be learning Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird. Genius book. Now, who wants to get out of the first pop quiz?" Mr Anderson says, and everyone's hands go up except mine and Y/n's. I then raise my hand quickly, and Y/n does the same after realising she's the only one with it down. I grin as that was cute.

"Alright. You can skip the quiz if you tell me which author invented the paperback book. Anyone?" Mr Anderson asks. I scribble down the answer I think it is, Charles Dickens, but I don't raise my hand.

"Shakespeare." Someone guesses, making me quickly scrunch my face. Shakespeare didn't write novels.

Y/n's pov
"That's a great guess, but no, Shakespeare didn't write novels. Anybody else?" He asks the class again, staring at me to answer the question. I sigh, raising my hand up hesitantly, my heart beating fast.

"Yes, Y/n." He smiles proudly at me for actually answering a question.

"Charles Dickens." I say, barely above a whisper, as I fiddle with my pen. I see Charlie putting a tick next to his answer, which is the same as mine, before my answer is even confirmed. This makes me feel all happy, calming me down a bit. I pick the skin around my fingers to calm myself down further. Even though I was correct, and knew I was, I still get so nervous about everything. For a while, my mind is racing with random and unnecessary thoughts, distracting me from doing any work. Why does my mind have to be so annoying?

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