Matilda undertaker

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Rōmaji- Matshia Andāteika

Age: ageless

Color eyes: light green

Color hair: sliver gray

Likes: dresses, water, and Alina as a best friend and jokes

Friends: Juno, Celia, Alina, and Barbetta

Dislikes: sometimes the bright light and really really scared of carriages

Relatives: undertaker made her, don't have a mother (died)

Race: undead reaper

Crush: Pluto

Nickname:blues: because she likes water and blue flowers

Matilda is a shy, timid girl, she is made of dead corpse and other parts, undertaker made her his own more as a Frankie stein model. she some what doesn't know between living as a zombie, when she was born this young lady found her crying inside of a tomb. she took care of her, feeding her and wash her all those days. when Matilda was age six her mother had died on the floor were all the villagers came to kill her with forks and guns, it was a mistake that the villagers thought she had kill the woman calling her a monster. Ciel and Sebastian investigate the missing child had kill the people in the village. Ciel heard this unknown voice coming from the empty old house, he had found Matilda under a broken table and saved her from the rest of the villagers. as soon they return back to the manor Sebastian took her to go see the undertaker safely.

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