Rōmaji- ArolisuToranshi
Age: 11(human year)
Color hair: blonde and violent strips ( can't really see it)
Color eyes: icy blue violent
Likes: tea, flowers, butterflies, honey and Canterbury the triplets
Dislikes: the dark, and spiders
Nickname: honeybee: because she loves honey
Friends: Celia, Matilda, barbetta and Juno
Crush: Canterbury a lot♡
Relatives: Alois, Hannah, Claude
Race: human (moth)
Alina is a generally cheerful but a crybaby. Alina often uses harsh and impolite language to other people from her father such as "ugly or other expletives, regardless of whom she is speaking to.
The contract is Located on her forehead which takes on the shape of an encircled, blue pentagram. Her contract seal is not visible at all times; it's been covered by her bangs also she had the contract when she was born. Alina been trying to stay with her father but it's always been so hard for her to be outside..... which Hannah let her for the day.
Black butlerIIII: info of the characters
NezařaditelnéThe new characters I made is Matilda,Barbetta,Celia,Juno and Alina From chapter one,two,three and four Haven't did some of the chapters yet but I'll do more stories to go. Hope you like our stories Until I do my chapters Also updating the character...