new beginnings? chapter 1

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Warnings, angst.
Remember this is an AU not the real world...

Ranboo pov?:
Me and tubbo had ended stream. I decided I wanted to go on a walk, as I was walking though it was starting to get dark. I had been walking for hours with out my phone just to think, to think about what my life had become. It had been almost 2 months into my trip to the uk it was great! Be and tubbo were a thing... I figured out tommy didnt mind me, and much more!-, but I couldnt help but feel something missing? Why did this all feel fake?

"hey you! The tall kid"
I heard in the distance, it was dark over there but I couldnt tell why it was dark right there? There was a lamp post but, none of the light was actually over there?.
"I know you... your ranboo? That person the kid was looking for?"
Kid? Were they talking about tubbo?
"You know I helped that kid find you, it's the only reason your happy is cause he found you that night"

Hey? Uhm have you seen-" i heard from the bus stand I was sitting at. It sound like...
"Uh ranboo?"
"Oh uh yeah? Sorry i uh got lost and was waiting for the bus for directions"
"Its fine come on" I'm glad tubbo came and found me I would have been lost for awhile.

That night?...

I woke up in my room and checked what time it was june 29 11:37.
June 29th? What happened june 29th?
I went downstairs to lani she seemed different "lani where's tubbo?" "Oh your here? He went out to look for you that silly, anyway while he isnt here when are you gonna tell him you like him?" "What do you mean? That already happened- also did you change the date on my phone its july 28th?" "Ranboo you okay? Its june 29th you might wanna get that checked" she giggled

June 29th 11:37 pm
The Exact Time when tubbo told ranboo he liked him...
Where was ranboo?-, More importantly when was ranboo?

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