Chapter 1

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This is a nightmare. It must be. There is no flipping way this is possible. Someone. Anyone. Help me!

"Well (Y/N)? You up for it?" as Britney asked me.

All I could do was stand there, right in front of my locker, hand on the book I just wanted to get before leaving the school. All with an astonished expression on my face. Britney. The most popular girl in the entire school wanted me. A silent no one. To go to her house for a sleepover.

"Yeah, hard pass." I said coldly to her face before shutting my locker and walking away from her and her posse.

To my unfortunate luck, they caught up. "Oh, come one (Y/N)! It will be fun! We were gonna watch a movie, eat some fun snacks, and play games!" she said smiling. Everything about her was 'perfect': her teeth, her hair, her smile, everything. Except for the fact that she can be a big b****. She trips people so that they mess her up in some way shape or form, then acts like the victim. I bet she only knew my name to pull something.

That gave me an idea. "Fine, I'll go with you." I said. They cheered.

That was short lived as I interrupted them. "But only if! You can name something I like to do." I said with a smile. Sometimes I like to play games with people. If they cannot tell me one thing, I like to do then I know how much they really know me and whether I should go with them. It's fun to play my game sometimes.

Except for today apparently. "You love to read and draw! I see you reading all the time in class." said one of Britney's girls. I recognize her, I think her name is Linda. Either way I rolled my eyes, not only did she name one, but she also named two things I like to do. "Fine. Give me your address." I said reaching out my hand and sounding not at all happy to go. She put a piece of paper in my hand then walked away happily, "See you at 9!" she shouted before getting into her car and driving off. I sighed and put the piece in my pocket and walked to my car and drove home.

I got inside and walked up to my room. Of course, there was no one here, both my parents work extremely hard jobs. My mom works at the hospital as a pediatric surgeon, while my dad works at his comic book shop that he grew from the ground up with the help of my mom. She helped him work on the shop while she was in med school, she eventually found a job at the hospital in town. My dad gets home at 10 every day except weekends where he gets home at 12 on Saturday and the shop is closed on Sunday. Meanwhile my mom works crazy hours, sometimes she'll get home at 10, but sometimes there will be days she won't get home the next morning.

I got to my room and packed some basic things like clothes, bathroom material, shoes, etc. I walked back downstairs and made sure to write a note for my dad.

I got invited to a sleepover with a few of my classmates from school. I probably won't be back till later tomorrow. 

- Lots of love, (Y/N)

I put the note on the table where he would see it before heading out to Britney's house.

It took a bit to find her place, but I soon found it. Which was a shame because I could have told her I just couldn't find her place and went back home. But unfortunately, I don't like to lie to people, lying is only a spider's web that you can get easily tangled in. I parked my car in her driveway, grabbed my bed, and walked to her door. Britney was the one who answered, she smiled and jumped at me giving me a hug. I flinched and didn't make any moves to hug her back. Then she pulled me inside.

"My parents are gone for the weekend, so we have the house all to ourselves!" she said. Come on, let's go to my room!" She added pulling up stairs to what I guess is her room that was filled with trophies, pictures of boys and other stuff, a big bed, and perfect white walls. She took my bag and put it with the rest of the bags. The girls were lying on bean bags in front of her tv eating popcorn. I took a seat in a blue bean bag, and one of the other girls gave me popcorn, which was the only thing that was good out of the whole situation. Free food is always a good thing.

We watched some movie I couldn't name for a while. When it went off, they started to do each other's make up, which I tried my best to decline to. But Britney didn't listen and did my make up. When I looked in the mirror, I was shocked, I looked pretty. Don't get me wrong, I looked like a clown with all this makeup, but there were parts of it that looked not as bad. I didn't want to do makeup on any of the other girls, I didn't know the first thing about putting on makeup on myself, let alone another person. After we were all done Britney offered to share some of her dresses. I took a hard pass on that and went to the restroom for a while.

This wasn't all bad as I thought it would be, I guess I was too quick to judge. I finished using the bathroom, thinking it was safe to come out. 

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