Chapter 14

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I can easily hear the crashing coming from the bedroom upstairs, even if the walls were thicker, I probably still would hear it. Sounds bad. Great. He's such a jerk.

But then again.

So am I.

I knew about his past, all the pain and suffering he went through. But I still laughed at him.

I let out a sigh and began to clean up the living room. Once the popcorn was cleaned up, I went to work on the couch. Breaking off the other legs that were still attached to it. I then cleaned it up a bit more, there was only one bedroom with a mattress, so I'm stuck with the couch for the night. Grabbing a jacket, a shirt, and a pair of pants to keep me warm as there are no blankets or heating. I turned on the lights in the living room before curling up on the couch and slowly fell asleep.

Of course, that didn't end my night as I kept having nightmares every time, I close my eyes. If I had to guess, Nightmare was the one behind it. Somehow. I don't know how but he is. Unfortunately, there's not much I can do to stop them. I would only make things worse if I said anything. So, all through the night I just kept pushing through each nightmare I had. Sometimes I would wake up, but eventually fall back asleep. After all the action that went down tonight, I am just really exhausted at this point.

She's not getting away with this. She needs to pay. Unfortunately, my magic isn't strong enough to do controlled damage. But. There is something that I can do instead. I quietly walked downstairs, making sure that she was asleep and that nothing I did will wake her. Thankfully she was already asleep. I walked to her from behind the couch. It looked like she fixed it and cleaned things up. I put my hand to her head and concentrated my magic there. I used my magic to give her a small dose of my negativity. Which in turn should have a negative effect on her. To my pleasure it did as she started to toss and turn, then she began to whimper in her sleep. I walked away feeling achieved of my actions, however, as a result of giving her a bit of my negativity, I began to feel weak.

I got up back to the room before collapsing on the bed. Thankfully the effect was only temporary as I also made sure to feed off on the human's fear and aggravation of having nightmare after nightmare.

She fed off my unfortunate accident from earlier.

So now I'm feeding off her fear. By causing it.

And my oh my it is delicious. I don't know what make her so special, but her fear is something that I've never tasted before. Could I be that her soul trait is DETERMINATION? No, it's not that. I've tasted the fear of people with DETERMINATION as their traits. This one is different for some reason. I just need to figure out what.

On another note, I haven't been able to find any sign of monsters. I know for sure that there use to be. Maybe they all died out? Humans maybe? The library might have some details on what I missed in this world. Now the question is, how do I get to the information? There I no way I'm walking out in the middle of the day the way I look. Even if there were monsters around. I would use my magic to disguise myself, but my magic isn't replenished enough for that to happen.

I'm in a tough situation.

My best bet is to hold off on using too much of my magic and feed off on the human's misery. At least until I can gain enough magic to be able to go out and spread some real fear. D*** that stupid prison for making weak. If I find out who caged me down there, I swear I will kill them.

But for now, they live. And I need rest.

The human will have nightmare for the rest of the night, the small amount of negativity I gave her will wear off by morning.

I woke up to light being shined right in my face. Which is not what I like. Not one bit.

I turned around to the other side so that the sun was shining on my back and fell back to sleep. Only to be woken up by the sound of movement coming from downstairs. I groaned, getting up from the bed and heading downstairs, only see the human walk from the kitchen to the living room. She lay down on the furniture that broke beneath me last night. Her attention was then turned the small device in her hand. What was so special about that device? What was it exactly?

I walked up to her and took the device from her hand. "Hey!" she exclaimed and quickly turned around.

"What is this?" I asked while examining the device.

"It's called a phone. Now give it back." she answered and poorly requested.

"What does it do?" I asked again.

She rudely snatched the device from my hand, "Simple, it's a device that allows the owner to gain access a world called the internet. It's a place where all information in the world is stored. A phone is also used to call someone from anywhere in the world. Well as long as there is signal in the area." she informed.

"All the information in the world?" I questioned. She nodded and returned to looking at the phone.

If this device can give me all the information in the world. Then it might just tell me where all the monsters went, and maybe tell me what happened after the tree was destroyed. The only issue is getting the phone away from her long enough to get the information I need.

That is until an idea came to me.

I walked to the kitchen and went through some of the cabinets looking for food. Thankfully there wasn't much. "Is this seriously all we have here!?" I shouted from the kitchen.

"Yes!" she yelled from the living room.

I groaned and walked over to her, "Well you need to go get proper food." I stated to her.

She let out an annoying groan before getting up, putting that phone into her pocket. "Fine I'll go shopping, I got enough money in my account to make a quick trip to the nearest cent store." She said going to her bag and taking out a wallet and a note pad. She then turned to me with pen to paper, "What do you want from the store?" she asked with a hint of annoyance to her voice.

"Anything that is edible and not this trash." I hissed holding up the thing she made last night, along with another item that said, 'Fruit Pop cereal'.

She rolled her eyes, "Those are really good, you just got to try them first. But whatever." She said then started writing down things in her notepad and headed towards the door. I need to get that phone before she leaves.

With a swift motion of one of my tentacles I lifted the wood plank in front of her feet. Thus, causing her to trip and fall. But I caught her before she hit the ground. But at the same time another tentacle slips into her pocket and taking her phone without her noticing.

"Woah! Geez, thanks for the close save, Nightmare" she said slightly shocked and getting back to her feet. "I need to fix up this place a bit more." She commented. Which she was by no means wrong. She said goodbye and left the house, not noticing that her phone was missing. I went to the window and watched as she disappeared into the trees before opening her phone and going through the device.

Which was a big mistake.

There were so many things on this device.

Perhaps too many things.

It was overwhelming.

Hopefully the human will be gone for a while.

A long, long while.

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