Meeting the class

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The date is the 29th of January. It is also the day that teenagers across the country were dreading. Back to school day or for some, their first day of school. That was my case. It's my first day of high school. I'm very excited however. I'm starting my first day at Sky High, the high school for teenagers with superpowers. My name is Laith Youkai and my power is, well, that can wait for the moment.

"Laith, you're going to be late for school if you don't leave soon!" My mother called from downstairs.

I looked at myself in my mirror, ran my fingers through my hair and pushed up my glasses. Satisfied, I grabbed my bag and walked down the stairs to see my mum and sister in the kitchen.

"You excited?" My sister, Kelsey, grinned. She is three years my senior but has never gone to Sky High. Neither has my mum actually. I was adopted to this family at a young age. It was quite a shock to me and my mum when I discovered I had super powers.

"I guess." I replied.

"Are you going to eat breakfast?" Mum asked. "I'm not sure if you will have enough time though."

Looking through the fridge I shook my head. "No thanks." I grabbed a strawberry 'Up & Go'. "I'll just have one of these."

Looking at the time on my phone, it read 7:55am. "Shoot, I should get going. See you guys this afternoon."

"Okay, have a nice day sweetie." She smiled at me.

"Tell me if you see any cute boys at school." Said Kelsey. I glanced at her. "Or any cute girls." She added.

"Yeah, okay." I sighed and left the house, mentally preparing myself for the day ahead.

* * *

I currently stood in front of the room F2. I checked to make sure that this is the room I'm supposed to be in. Opening the door, I was met with a surprise. This room only had three rows of chairs. I mean, that's usually normal. From the couple of times that I went to Kelsey's school, her classrooms had three rows but they had 10 seats in each row. But this classroom, the rows only had 5 seats. Shrugging it off, thinking it was just going to be a small class; I sat in the middle row. I always heard that the front row was for the really smart students, the back row was for those who paid barely any attention and the middle was for the average students. After a minute, the door opened and two guys walked through the door. I recognised them immediately.

"Shizuka? Akito? What are you guys doing here!?" I was in complete shock. We all had known each other since primary school when they saved me from bullies.

"I could ask you the same thing. You never told us you had superpowers."

"Neither did you!" I retorted.

Akito just stood there, a blank expression on his face. "There's no point in arguing with each other. Let's just sit down." He said.

"Yeah, okay." Shizuka sighed.

They sat down in the back row, Shizuka closest to the window and Akito next to him so that he was behind me. The three of us chatted for a bit until I heard the door to the class open and they both grimaced.

I raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong?"

Just as I asked that, a girl with strawberry blonde hair, styled in a single high plaid, sat next to me.

"Hello!" She grinned.

"Uh, hi..." I replied to her. She was way too cheerful for my liking. She turned to face Shizuka and Akito.

"What a surprise to see you two here." She giggled. "Not really. It's been so long though. How come you guys never contacted me after I moved?" A pout formed on her face.

"Uhh..." Akito started, but didn't know what to say.

"We lost your phone number." Shizuka piped in. "Accidentally put it into the wash. Sorry." He said, not sounding sorry at all.

Okay, I was completely confused at this point.

"What are you guys talking about?"

"Oh, uh, Laith, this is Rose. She used to go to our primary school but moved before we met you." Answered Shizuka.

I turned to Rose. "We were totally the bestest of friends." She grinned. In the corner of my eye I could see Shizuka shaking his head. We continued on talking, mostly me and Shizuka trying to ignore Rose and Akito adding his own thoughts every now and then. During this time, two students entered the class. An extremely short guy with brown spiky hair sat in the middle chair of the front row and a girl with dark brown hair and a blue streak sat two seats away from me.

"Oh my wow, he is totally delicious." I heard Rose mumble. Raising an eyebrow, I turned to the front to see who she was talking about. Walking to the teacher's desk was a short man with dark brown hair and a small stubble who was wearing a dark suit. Totally something a teacher shouldn't be wearing. He placed his bag on the desk and grabbed out a piece of chalk and wrote on the board in cursive writing 'Mr. Rivai'.

"Hello, students." He addressed. Everyone turned to face him. "My name is Mr. Rivai or 'Sir'. Whatever you prefer, I honestly don't care. Welcome to Sky High and all that shit." He spoke, sounding extremely bored.

"Are you sure you're a teacher? You look more like a student to me." Shizuka shouted out. Mr. Rivai turned to glare at Shizuka, walking to the front row and grabbing a seat from one of the unoccupied tables and proceeded to throw it at him. Eyes widening, Shizuka quickly dodged it.

"Disrespect me like that again and you won't be so lucky next time." He scowled.

He searched threw his bag and grabbed out a clipboard. "Time to call the roll."

"Pru Charnont."

"Here." Called the girl with the blue streak. 'What a nice name.' I thought.

"Rose Clark"

"Y-yes Sir!"

Mr. Rivai looked up from the roll to glare at her, obviously not pleased with her stuttering. She looked like she was going to faint from how red her face was. Letting out a 'tch' he continued on.

"Akito Ichihiro."


"Answer correctly, you little shit.

"Shizuka Kanda."


"Taidana Namakamono." After calling out the boys name, we heard the teacher mumble under his breath "The fuck kind of name is that?"

"Present, Sir."

"Laith Youkai."


Placing the roll back on his desk, Sir cleared his throat.

"As you call see, there are currently only six of you in this class. However, tomorrow we are expecting a new student. Let's hope your tiny minds can handle the presence of someone new."

"I don't think you can talk about being tiny." Shizuka yelled again.

Sir smashed his fist into the surface of his desk and it cracked into two solid pieces.

"If you don't want your head to look like that, I suggest you watch your tongue."

Taidana's hand flew into the air.

"What is it now?" He sighed.

"Excuse me if I'm mistaken, Sir, but I'm pretty sure a teacher is not allowed to touch their students."

Mr. Rivai glared at Taidana and grabbed the desk he was sitting at and threw it across the room then proceeded to grab his chair leg and flung Taidana to the ground.

"Who said I had to touch you?"

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