Classroom Shenanigans and Arguments

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The students were all in F2, sitting in their respected seats and chatting with each other. Pru was tapping her finger against her desk and let out a loud sigh.

"Is Mr. Rivai ever going to get here?" She complained.

"It's not all that bad, we get some time to ourselves." Laith replied and turned to face her.

"Yeah, but it gets annoying, he is such a lousy teacher." Pru groaned, placing her head on Laiths desk, as she had moved from two seats away to directly next to her.

"I wish he would hurry and get here." Rose piped in. "I haven't seen his beautiful face since yesterday and I miss him." She sighed.

Everyone collectively groaned, Roses lovingly rambles about the teacher were getting annoying.

"Why would you want to get out with an old man anyway?" Yuuki said. "His dick is probably all wrinkly, and I'm pretty sure there is like, a 100 year difference between the two of you. Plus, he is extremely angry." She shrugged.

"He is not old!" Rose half-yelled at her.

Everyone took note of how she didn't deny him being angry.

"Really? I'm surprised he hasn't started growing grey hairs."

"Yuuki, my beautiful, stop talking about Sir and talk to me instead!" Taidana turned in his seat at the front to face everyone else."

"I swear to god, Shorty, if you try flirting with me again I will take off that giant head of yours and shove it in your ass."

Taidana nervously laughed and started playing with his hair. "C'mon, I know you don't mean that."

As Yuuki was about to retort, the door opened to reveal Mr. Rivai.

"Finally." Pru mumbled under her breath. Everyone turned to face him, expecting a half-assed greeting but instead, he walked to Rose's desk, staring directly at her.

"S-sir?" She blushed, holding her hands to her chest. He leaned down and kissed her.

"M-Mr. Rivai's a paedophile!?!" Laith shouted, standing in her chair.

"What the fuck?" Mumbled Akito, talking for the first time that day.

Pulling back from the kiss, Mr. Rivai looked down at her, smirked and walked out the room.

"S-sir! W-wait up!" Rose stood from her desk and ran after his retreating figure.

Everyone was in a shocked silence as they watched Rose run after their teacher. After a few seconds they heard a loud thud and the sputtering of a confused Rose. It was then that they once again saw Mr. Rivai walking into the classroom, dragging Rose by the back of her vest behind him.

"Tell me why the fuck you thought it was a good idea to go running out the room?" He grumbled, pushing Rose towards her seat.

"And why are you standing?" He glared at Laith, who still had a shocked look on her face.

"Uh, sorry sir." She mumbled while sitting. "It's just that you were in here before and you kissed Rose." Laith explained.

"Huh? And you guys seriously thought that was me?"


Sighing, he rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"We've had some problems with one of the students pulling pranks, and considering it started at the beginning of this school year we're guessing its one of you first year brats. We already know who it is, since only one first year can shape shift."

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