The Club.

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Florence comes downstairs and yawns. She comes downstairs to see you making breakfast. "What are you doing?" Florence asks. "Cooking for you, you seemed tired." You say. "We need to talk about last night." Florence says, sighing. "I know, I'm sorry. I got carried away." You mutter. "No, don't apologize. I didn't mind it." Florence blushes. "So I can get drunk again?" You ask. "Hell to the fucking-" Florence doesn't get to finish, "Yes!" You finish her sentence but that wasn't what she was gonna say. "No!" Florence shouts. You make a mess with the eggs your cooking, "I'm such a mess!" "A hot mess." Florence smirks. "Oh stop it, Pugh." You say, flustered. You clean up your mess and put everything away. You put a nice outfit on and your shoes. "Where are you going?" Florence asks. "The mall?" You lie. She walks over to you and runs her fingers through your hair, "Don't lie to me. Where are you going?" "T-The club.!" You whine. "I WANNA GO!" Florence yells. "Ok ok, goodness." You say. Florence gets a hot outfit on and follows you to your friends car. "Hey y/n." Wanda says to you. "Hey Wanda." You say. Florence stays quiet. "Who's this friend of yours?" Wanda asks. "This is my roommate, Florence." You tell her. "Hi, I'm Florence, y/n's girlfriend." Florence introduces herself. "Girlfriend?" Wanda asks, looking at you. "Yep!" Florence replies. Wanda starts driving. You and Florence start kissing in the car. "Ok, we're not even at the club yet and I'm still here." Wanda complains. "You ruined the moment." You whine. "We'll find you a man." Florence tells Wanda. You continue to kiss Florence.

At the club.

You and Florence go and get drinks. You take a drink and kiss Florence, putting the drink in her mouth. "Holy hell, that was hot." Florence says in your ear. "Also, did you mean it when you told Wanda we were dating?" You ask. "Only if you want me to mean it." Florence replies. You go to the bathroom as Florence follows you. Wanda watched you guys. "What?" Florence asks. You pin Florence to the wall and kiss her neck. "Oh, y/n~" Florence moans your name. You kiss up to her mouth and you tongue slides in her mouth. Wanda walks in on you guys, "Holy shit, don't swallow her, y/n." You look at Wanda. "Hey, did you find someone?" Florence asks. "No, not yet." Wanda replied, walking out the bathroom. "Swallow me, babe." Florence tells you. You kiss her neck. "Y/n~" Florence moans. You kiss her down to her chest and leave a mark on her neck.

After that.

You guys walk out of the bathroom and see Wanda with a guy. "She looks happy." Florence says. "Yeah." You agree and take Flo's hand. You go and lead her to get another drink. "That's enough drinks for you." Florence says. "I'm gonna call my dad to come and pick us up to take us home." You say. "Ok, sounds good." Florence agreed. You call your dad.

You: "Hey dad."

Your dad: "Hey kid, what do you need?"

You: "Do you think you could pick my girlfriend and I up?"

Your dad: "Of course, but where are you?"

You: "The club..."

Your dad: "Got it, kid. Be there in a few!"

You: "I love you, dad!"

Your dad: "I love you too, kid."

You hang up and lead Florence outside to wait for your dad. "Isn't your dad The Tony Stark?" Florence asks. "Yeah." You reply. You kiss her head. You wait for your dad to show up. You see Wanda and this guy making out through the window. Your dad is here and you open the door for Florence, "After you." Florence gets the car and you get in after here, closing the door behind you. "I'm Florence, y/n's girlfriend. It's a pleasure to meet you, sir." Florence shakes his hand. "I'm Tony, Tony Stark. It's also a pleasure to meet you." Your dad responds.

You finally made it home and on the way home you told Wanda where you were.

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