Her co-star.

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You still feel a bit tipsy from the club. "Florence, can we just lay d-down?" You yawn. Florence takes you upstairs to her room and lays you down on her bed. She locks the door and lays down with you. "Oh, Florence~" You moan her name in her ear. "I didn't even do anything!" Florence says. "Mhm, I know." You reply. "You are such a hot mess, such a hot mess." Florence says. "Florence~" You moan in her ear. "Ok ok." Florence cuddles you. Florence gets a text message from her co-star, MJ. "Who's that, babe?" You ask. "Just my co-star." Florence replies to you. Florence gets on top of you and falls asleep on you. "Of course you fall asleep." You said to yourself. "Mhm." Florence mumbles. "You're such a faker!" You laugh. "I just wanted to see what you were gonna do." Florence giggles. Florence checks her phone and replies to the text message. You look at the tv. Florence gives your her phone to check the texts.

MJ: "Hey, are you up?"

Florence: "Yeah, why?"

MJ: "We have to go soon."

Florence: "But it's 8pm."

MJ: "Too bad so sad."

Florence: "I'm trying to make out with y/n."

MJ: "The hell. We have to go soon. Get ready now."

Florence: "Whatever, see ya."

MJ: "Bye."

You give her phone back and look at her. "What? Still jealous?" Florence asks. "No." You mumble. "Trying to make out with me?" You ask, looking at her. "Maybe." Florence winks. "Oh hush, don't you have to go somewhere." You tell her. "Yeah, but I don't want to." Florence says, closing her eyes. "No, get your ass up." You laugh. "Ugh!" Florence complains as she gets up. "Can you come with me?" Florence asks. "Yeah, sure." You say. Florence changes her clothes as you do the same. You grab your phone and put it in your pocket. "What was that?" Florence asks. "Just my phone." You say. Florence gets closer to you and kisses you. You kiss her back and she brings you to the car. "What time is it?" You ask. "8pm." Florence tells you as you go to MJ's car. "That's so fucking-" You start. "I know, Stark." Florence agrees. When you guys get into the car, Florence starts kissing you. "Oh come on you guys!" MJ complains. "I'm y/n, it's a pleasure to meet you." You stop and introduce yourself to MJ. "Wait, as in y/n Stark?" MJ asks. You nod your head. "Ok, stop making out in the back of my car!" MJ tells you both. "No." Florence replies. "MJ, you have a boyfriend?" You ask. Florence looks at you. You cover Florence's mouth. "Well, sorta." MJ replies. "Who? Spill." You say. "No!" MJ says, flustered. You uncover Florence's mouth. "Thanks, Stark." Florence rolls her eyes. You kiss her cheek.

At the studio.

"We're here." MJ tells you both. You guys get out of the car. "What are we doing here? It's like 10pm!" You yell. "Y/n, love, just calm down." Florence calms you down. "Do not tell me to calm down." You look at her in the eyes. "I have to go get changed, babe. I'll be back." Florence says, kissing you on the cheek, walking to the changing room. You look at MJ. "Go ahead, y/n." MJ rolls her eyes. You nod your head and walk into Florence's changing room. You walk up behind Florence and put your arms around her. "Oh my god. You scared the hell out of me." Florence said. "Mhm~" You kiss her neck. "Y-Y/n, I need to get changed." Florence stutters. "That can wait." You smirk. You turn Florence to face you. "I really need to change, y/n. MJ's waiting for me." Florence explains. "No, she said it was fine." You kiss her.

After that..

You and Florence walk out of the changing room. "Uhh." MJ says, looking at you both. "What?" You ask. "You guys sure did take a while cause it's 12am!" MJ yells. "I told you." Florence looks at you. "Wanna try me again?" You ask Florence, pinning her to the wall. "Guys! We have to focus!" MJ yells. "Fine." You say, letting Florence go.

God, that was the best time of my life. I will never forget that. But why am I still up? It's literally 12am! They take so long just to film a short scene for a movie!

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