Chapter I

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Elias looked out the window of Port Angeles airport. It was raining lightly, the air chilly even inside as Elias clutched a piece of paper in his hand. The airport wasn't large, you could see from one end to the other, with windows on one side that allowed you to look over the tarmac.

Looking down, Elias traced the name written neatly on the page with a phone number underneath. After his grandma's funeral was held, he met his Aunt Helena who had flown down. This was probably his eighth time meeting her in his life. She was his mother's older sister and she worked in the sheriff's department at Forks. When his grandma talked about her, there was always this wistfulness behind her words. Elias knew it was because none of her two daughters ever visited her. His mother, because she had run away after dumping Elias, and her eldest daughter, because she was working. Elias would always hug his grandma then and she would always softly laugh, calling him her soft boy.


Looking up, Elias timidly smiled at the woman who briskly walked towards him. She was taller than him, standing about 5'8, with black hair tied in a neat bun and dressed in her sheriff's uniform. She looked slightly apologetic, as her lips quirked downwards. "Sorry I'm late" she said as she stopped in front of him.

"It's okay," Elias said as he stood up. "I wasn't waiting long."

The older woman frowned, before she helped pick up his luggage. It wasn't much, just a few bags. Most of his more important things had already been shipped over. Silently, they both walked out and got into the parked cruiser, putting the bags in the back.

The drive to Forks took an hour which Elias spent looking out the window. Everything here was green, it was probably the greenest place Elias had ever seen. His nose twitched as he subtly sniffed the environment. The inside of the car smelled of takeaway, burgers, and if he had to guess, salted fries, but also his Aunt Helena's deodorant and coconut shampoo. There was also a faded scent of gunpowder.

"Chief Swan's daughter, Isabella, just arrived yesterday" Aunt Helena said, cutting into his thoughts.

Elias fiddled with his sleeves, pulling them over his fingers. He didn't feel the cold much anymore, in fact he ran hotter than an average person, but he was sensitive to touch and he only liked certain fabrics now. The softer they were the better.

"Chief said you can catch a ride with her on the way to school," Aunt Helena continued. "You're both going to Forks Highschool starting tomorrow."

Elias nodded, feeling shy at the thought but grateful to not being the only new kid. "Thanks Aunt Helena," he softly but earnestly said. "For taking me in and for everything. You don't know how grateful I am."

The older woman cleared her throat, slightly embarrassed as she glanced at her nephew from the corner of her eyes. The last time she'd seen him he was probably fifteen. His height was probably the only thing that remained the exact same since then. Everything about him was slightly different. He was paler, the shape of his eyes had also become cat-like, and his green irises seemed more vibrant, framed by sooty thick lashes. His hair also seemed to have darkened to a deep midnight black. If Helena had to say, her nephew seemed to have had his features enhanced. Even the way he walked was more elegant and graceful. In fact, strangely, it reminded Helena of the Cullen's who had moved to Forks two years ago. Her nephew would fit right in with them with how attractive he had become.

"It's okay," Helena stiffly replied as she focused back on the road. They lulled into another long silence.

Eventually, they made it to Aunt Helena's place. It was a small, two bed-room brick house that overlooked the forest. Aunt Helena parked the cruiser on the side of the road, underneath a tree, before they both clambered out.

"The Swan's residence is the house over there" Aunt Helena said as she pointed further down the street. "It's four houses down so you can walk there tomorrow. Chief said Isabella plans to leave around seven".

Taking a mental note, Elias, with the help of his aunt, carried his remaining things inside. The inside was homely with mismatched furniture that took up a majority of the space. The living room was connected to the kitchen and past the kitchen was a single hallway. Aunt Helena showed him the single bathroom before leading him to his room. It was narrow and facing out towards the backyard. There was only a table, a dresser and a bed. Pushed against the wall were a couple of boxes with the rest of his clothes and some of his keepsakes that Elias had kept after everything else was sold.

After thanking his aunt again, Elias was left to unpack. Shutting the door, Elias listened to the older woman's quiet and retreating footsteps, before sighing. He shook himself once and he felt his sense of hearing sharpen as two delicate black appendages popped out on top of his head. Tugging his pants slightly lower, Elias similarly released his tail. It was long and sleek, starting at the base of his spine and curling lazily around his leg. Running his roughed tongue over his two sharpened incisors, Elias stretched upwards. It always felt good to let himself go and allow his new features out.

After the night he died, Elias had become something different. Some sort of cat hybrid. Calcifer had disappeared as well, like he was never there and no one had ever seen him since. Elias was now faster, stronger, more agile and graceful. He could jump higher and always landed on his feet when he fell. He also healed faster. Other than having new abilities and heightened senses, Elias also now had what he coined as a 'heat' period.  What he deemed as the biggest con in this situation. 

The first time it happened was after his grandma's funeral. It was terrible and confusing. Elias had locked himself up for five days, leaking slick, feeling unbearably empty, and curled up crying as he begged for relief that never came. After five days, he'd woken up dazed, exhausted, emotionally drained, and having lost weight. After some research on feline behavior it didn't take him long to put the pieces together. Elias dreaded his next 'heat'. It wasn't a question of if but a question of when it would happen. He didn't know what he would do staying with Aunt Helena.

Shaking his troubled thoughts from his head, Elias began to unpack. He didn't want to use his super speed to help, but took his time, folding everything and placing it away neatly. It was around seven when he finished and his aunt called him to supper. They had a quiet meal of take-away pizza, Elias nibbling on the slice as the jet lag started to catch-up. Afterwards, Elias washed the plates and packed the leftovers in the fridge as Aunt Helena went to watch the game on the TV.

"Good night" he softly bade as he waved at his aunt who nodded distractedly and murmured 'night'. Shuffling to his room, Elias picked up his night clothes and had a quick shower, before falling into bed. It didn't take him long to fall asleep.

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