Chapter V

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Elias went back to school the next day. It was the day of the biology field trip and Mrs Sulvian's, with several other classes from various grades, were allowed to tag along since Forks high school was so small.

Mr Molina, Bella's Biology II teacher, was collecting the permission slips. Elias, dressed in a burgundy cardigan and white shirt was finishing the last of his English essay. Whilst Bella, leaning on her truck beside him, thoughtfully staring at a new dent in her car, trying to recall what happened yesterday. Were they just lucky that the van seemed to have completely changed course? Or did something else happen?

As she looked up, her eyes caught Edward's lightened golden ones staring at her from across the lot. He was standing with Alice and Jasper, Jasper's eyes focused on the boy beside her. Bella suddenly nudged Elias, causing him to blink up at her as she tilted her head to the three Cullen's. He looked over his shoulder, eyes widening when they made eye contact with Jasper.

Elias had no idea what to do after yesterday. What Jasper did was just a confirmation of what he already knew--that the Cullens and Hales were different. But he didn't know how he was meant to react--was he meant to confront or ignore what happened? Maybe they could even help him with his own 'condition'? Or kill him most likely... He also wondered absently if he'd have to ask Mrs Sulvina for a new chemistry tutor since Jasper may not stick around.

Just then, Mike appeared in front of them with his hands up and curled, making exaggerated growling sounds. "Look, the both of you are alive!"

"Yeah" Elias blinked, focusing on the safer human option, "false alarm".

Mike laughed loudly. "Yeah, I'm glad you guys aren't dead", he said but his attention however was focused solely on Bella who was having a staring contest with Edward. "Actually, I wanted to ask Bella something if that's okay?".

Elias had some clue of what it was.

Jessica had already made them aware of the girl's choice Spring dance since last week. The curly haired Fork's girl was excited for the dance as the vice-president to the planning committee that it was all she could talk about. It was one of the biggest events, only having a lesser importance than Prom.

"Sure" Elias said as he packed up his things. He nudged Bella, before making his way to one of the buses. From the window he could see Bella and Mike talking for a while, before Mike walked away with a slightly glum expression and towards Jessica. Bella just looked as if she wanted to be anywhere but there.


Turning, Elias' breath stuttered in his chest in shock. Jasper Hale was standing beside his seat, looking down at him. How Elias hadn't noticed him arriving was a mystery.

"Mind if I sit beside you?"

Elias really wanted to say 'no'. One, because Jasper's scent was still irresistible. And two, because he didn't know what was going on in Jasper's head and if they were going to have that confrontation or not.

Why couldn't they just stick to talking only when Jasper had to tutor him? It was like the world was trying to throw Jasper in his face just so he could embarrass himself. He honestly had no idea how it went from seeing Jasper across the room to now sitting with him on a bus like friends.

"Um...sure," Elias instead murmured with uncertainty. Big and vibrant green eyes nervously scanned the quickly filling bus with dread. But Jasper didn't talk to him beyond that initial question though. He just sat quietly beside him, some space between them, his posture as straight as ever, even when the bus started moving. Maybe he was like a prison warden, silently standing guard to make sure Elias didn't spill his family secret...

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