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My mother is a natural beauty. Ever since she was a kid she always looked flawless, almost unreal. Her dream was modeling but that was already written in the cards for her. She went to her audition and didn't have to try. Success came easy for her. My dad had very handsome features but not enough to pull strings. He is an entrepreneur and built his business from the ground. He struggled but did it on his own. His parents denied any help that he asked for so he was more on the harsher side of parenting. With the cards I was dealt, I would say I got lucky. At least in the appearance department. I didn't get my father's IQ at all. I would say I'm as dumb as a bag of bricks.

Around Middle School is when boys became aware of my existence. I walked down a hallway and All I got were stares. You would think this would be a confidence booster but It was far from that. I couldn't tell if they were looking at me because I was pretty or ugly. Of Course later on I figured out the answer but At the moment I crumbled because of the eyes on me. Girls tore me down constantly calling me cruel names and picking apart everything I did. I was scared to eat in the cafeteria because of people possibly looking at me. Terrified that my posture looked bad, insecure about the way my face and body may look while sitting or in general. Everything scared me. The summer going into Freshman Year, I figured it out. It took me a while to get out of my bad habits of worrying constantly but eventually, I started coming out of that awkward shell.

Over that summer my mom helped out a lot with tips that she's learned through modeling and clothes that would make me more confident and flatter my body. I won't lie, If it wasn't me I'd be jealous of the way I looked. I built a wall for myself. I promised myself no person would make me vulnerable nor crack the confidence I built up. My mother is my one inspiration, models have to go on a stage wearing some of the most revealing clothes while people throw insults. If she can stay solid through that I can do the same for whatever I may face.

I step out of my mom's car in Infront of the school. I pay no mind to people who are around me. Instead, I keep my head straight and walk where I need to go. I wasn't going to make enemies at all. Only friends but I was going to choose wisely. I have to be strategic, if this means hanging out with the more well-known "popular" people then so be it.

Almost instantly a group of a few girls and guys call me over. They were exactly what you thought, self-centered, judging, egotistical bitches. I stuck with them because then that would set my place where I stand in this school.

-Fast Forward to Junior Year (present day)-

I became much better friends with the popular group and they weren't as bad as they looked. They put up a huge front but they were just as funny as everyone else in private. We all sat together at lunch and pretty much talked the whole time. It's the first day and we are eating lunch when Emilie showed me her phone. "YOU SEE THAT?" she exclaimed. "Woah, okay he is so cute! Who is he?" The picture was of this tallboy with brown fluffy hair and the cutest smile. "THAT'S WILBUR FROM OUR FRESHMAN YEAR ENGLISH CLASS!" My mouth had dropped. Wilbur was always really quiet and reserved so no one really bothered him. Whenever his friend came around he shot up like a firecracker. He left the summer before Sophomore year for England so he could visit family. No one thought he was gonna come back but there he was better than ever.

"I am going to get a piece of him if you know what I mean," Emilie said while raising her eyebrows up and down. I slapped her on her arm. "Don't be weird." She showed the rest of the table the phone and they all started talking about it and fawning over him. I wasn't going to directly approach him at school but there is a beginning school party the first weekend and most everyone goes so hopefully he will be there.

A/N: The next chapter will be jam-packed for you guys so stay tuned. this was a kind of plot building. 

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