Chapter 38: Fight!!!

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Yasmine's pov:
After I told them what happened all were laughing their heads off including me except ali now what happened to him after that abhinavi went I was also going to my room when ali pulled me by waist and I landed on his chest we were literally sooo close and damn his eyes!!! Wait......why his lips are twitching into smirk?

Ali(smirk): you were jealous na?? When she came closer to me?
Ali(smirk): are you sure? Because by what you told it literally felt like that!
Yas: I wasn't jealous and why would be I jealous for a monkey?
I said not looking into his eyes and freed myself from his grip and directly went into my room ok yasmine now focus on plan and i hot changed into a black outfit so that no one can recognise me

no Ali(smirk): are you sure? Because by what you told it literally felt like that!Yas: I wasn't jealous and why would be I jealous for a monkey?I said not looking into his eyes and freed myself from his grip and directly went into my room ok yasmi...

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and just than bhai entered in room in black clothes ok now it's time.
Abhi: ready?
Yas: hmm let's go

We both went outside and head towards that pink light room we both slowly without making any noise we both went inside the room and thankfully no one is there me and bhai Started searching for that potion which can cure ali and di ughh...where is it? Where can they put it? Find yasmine find ughhh........where the hell is it? Who the hell put this much things on one table huh!!!! And from where she got such names of potions??

Me and bhai were hurriedly checking all the potions when a sound like cracking of door came i looked towards bhai with wide eyes SHIT! who can be here at the moment? And before we can take any action ashi came inside shit! It was her me and bhai exchange looks thank god our faces were covered with black cloth.

Ashi: who the hell are you? And wtf are you doing here?
She asked with wide eyes.
Ashi: wait wait are you both thief?
She asked when none of us spoke Everyone not belongs to your biradari huh!!

And than she took out a potion from somewhere she keeps whole store of potions or what? I looked towards bhai and nodded we need to escape from her potions. She threw it towards me when I did cartwheel and escaped from it and after throwing at me she threw remaining of it towards bhai but he bend down and rolled towards other side.

Ashi(shouts): who are you!!!!? How did you entered in this room.
And this time she took out a dagger I also took out my dagger which i always keep with myself and by gestures i told bhai to find that potion while i'll take care of her.

she tried to stab me in my stomach but i blocked it with my dagger and with all force I made her dagger down in a circular motion while she again attacked it towards my face and i again blocked and pushed her and this time I attacked it towards he...

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she tried to stab me in my stomach but i blocked it with my dagger and with all force I made her dagger down in a circular motion while she again attacked it towards my face and i again blocked and pushed her and this time I attacked it towards her whole she blocked it by placing her dagger on mine I looked towards bhai who was still shuffling all potions.

I didn't got to know when she pushed me I got threw backwards but i maintained my grip on floor and attacked towards her but as she turned dagger made a cut on her arm and she looked towards me angrily and again tried to attack me but I was fast with one move i threw her dagger on floor while she kicked me and i got hit to ground and dagger fell while she came upto me and before she could remove my mask I hold both of her fist in my hands and interwined my fingers in her fist to block her and looked towards bhai and shouted while changing my voice obviously.

Yas: did you got that?
Abhi(changing his voice): no I am not able to find it.
And i pushed ashi and got up she also got up and came to punch me which i blocked with my hands and punched her on face due to which her body got bend towards one side and taking it as a chance I placed my right arm on her neck and she started tumbling due to that my grip was tight on her neck when she suddenly kicked me on my leg and my grip loosened and she came out of my grip.

I took my leg which got hurt in my hands and started jumping around with one leg on floor for few seconds and in that time i didn't realised when she took out a potion gosh this girl! And threw it towards bhai what the heck i immediately shout..
Yas: Look at back!!!!!!!!
And he moved backwards at the moment he saw that potion flying in air thank god and suddenly he attacked at ashi with potion due to which her body burned a bit for a while and she started screaming..

Ashi: ahhhh ughhhhh wth ahhhh Ohhh god! It is BURNING ahhhh!!! Who the....he-hell are yo-you....
And she passed our wtf just happened?? I looked towards bhai with a horrified face and he immediately said..
Abhi: don't worry she is not dead she is just unconscious.
Yas: when will she get concious?
Abhi: umm idk
He said chuckling nervously i looked at him with wide eyes
Abhi: come on yas leave her we need cure!!
Yas: ughh....ok bur what if she died?
Abhi: she'll not fir this easily come on now.

Yeah he is right she is not gonna leave us this easily I started thinking of possibilities that where can she keep potion than it hit me that she'll not keep this much important thing here I went towards her unconscious body and started checking her clothes.
Abhi: yasmine what are you doing there? Let's find potion
Yas: i am finding that only just think bhai why will she keep such important thing here it will be more safe with her right?
Abhi: you've got point!

Yas: I FOUND IT!!!!! YESS!
I squealed when i found cure in her drees's belt yessssss!!!!! Finally!
Abhi: what? Show me
I showed that to him.
Abhi: it is that only ok yasmine first let's go out from here.
Yas: yes you are right
We both went towards door and door suddenly got opened...

Hetu guys!! I am back with another chapter this time i didn't delayed sooooo long😌😁

So how was the chapter?🙃

I hope you all understood action sequences🤞.

So finally both ali and vaishnavi will be free from spell........... or not?😈

Who came suddenly?

Are yasmine and abhi In danger??

Will they get caught?

Ab ashi ka kya hoga re?😶😂

Stay tuned for next chapter to know😉🤗

And guys keep streaming hone laga tumse pyaar and keep posting on insta to make hashtags reach million!

And guysss pleaseeeee do vote and inline comments pleaseeeeeeeee! It motivate us to write so pleasee!🙂

Words: 1167

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