Pieck x Non-Binary Reader

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No current spoilers
Non-binary/Gender neutral
©All rights reserved
©credits to Hajime for the anime


It's been several months since you've seen Pieck in her human form. She's the current holder of the Cart Titan and she has to stay in her Titan form months at a time.

2 weeks ago she was finally able to transform back after 4 months. So now I was on her way to her room to take her to the pool. She's been having problems with adjusting to walk on her two feet again. And so I thought I would take her to the pool for a little rehabilitation.

I walked down the dormitory and saw that her door was slightly cracked. I knocked then opened it. She was sitting on the edge of her bed, awaiting my arrival. She looked up at me and smiled.

"Good morning y/n!" She said cheerfully, giving me a small wave. "Morning Pieck!" I smiled and started to help her up. I grabbed her crutch and she stood up grabbing a hold of it. Happens so, she also used my shoulder as a support.

Once Pieck was completely stood up she smiled at me again. "Thank you" She said starting to head towards the door. God she's cute you thought. You both were starting to head down towards the hallway in the dormitories and making your way out into the small village.

Little kids were running around while the moms were tending to their garden and the fathers long at work. I know Pieck enjoyed the atmosphere. She was looking around all happy. Watching Gabi and Falco try to compete against each other as usual.

We saw Reiner and Bertholdt sharing a conversation with eachother on a bench nearby, with a bottle of beer in their hands. Then you both were headed to the rehabilitation center. You held the door open for Pieck to head in first and you walked in after her.

She sat down on the bench nearby the pool and took a deep breath. She looked up at me bending her neck back as I walked up behind her. I smiled and sat down beside her.

She began stripping down into her swimwear which was just a long shirt she borrowed from someone. And a slightly shorter skirt than the one she usually wears. I loved how she wasn't shy around me. But I also didn't realize that their were other people at the center.

As I looked up there were a bunch of injured soldiers. Some were staring at Pieck and some looked away as I met their gaze. I looked back at Pieck and she was slowly trying to wade her way into the pool.

I followed closely behind her. But still in my full uniform as I had no intention to be in the water. I stood stiffly with hands behind my back and observed. Pieck was lightly kicking her legs, trying to get them to adjust on fair ground.

There were injured soldiers on the other side and I felt a little uncomfortable with so many men here. There were very few women, but they weren't here for therapy, they were here to visit their husbands. I don't identify myself with either minority. But I still feel uncomfortable.

"Why don't you join me, yn." I looked down at Pieck with her arms on the edge of the pool staring up at me. I back away a little waving my hands. "No no- I'm not very.. fond of water..." My voice trailed off after I realized how idiotic I sounded.

Piecks eyes widened and then softened. Then she made a creepy smile, like she does sometimes. "So you are afraid of something huh?" She chuckled, raising an eyebrow.

I felt my face get a little hot because I was slightly embarrassed. She reached her hand out and I knealt down and took it.

She chuckled again.

Next thing I knew, I was in the water. Panic rose over me for a few seconds until I saw Piecks face. She was holding on to my hands with a soft look in her eyes.

My face burnt up again but even more intensely. She cupped the side of my face with one of her hands.

"You're okay." She reassured me. I took a deep breathe and shook my head. Pieck knew I was a bit fearful of the water and she saw this as an opportunity to help me out.

Clever I thought.

I looked down and I saw Pieck working her legs in the water. For some reason seeing my own swish in the water made me relax a little.

I cleared my head.

"I should be helping you. You not helping me." I chuckled nervously.

She gave a small smile and said nothing.

She pulled me closed to her and she layed her head on my shoulder.

"Truth be told I started getting used to walking around a week ago.. I just wanted to get closer to you." Pieck hugged me tightly.

I felt a little flustered and I nervously ran my fingers through my hair. A clump of my hair came out in the process. Pieck had noticed this, and frowned sadly.

As a titan shifter, my life was near it's end. I know it, and so does everybody else.

The affects have started to kick in. I'm always tired and I'm noticeably getting weaker. My body was slowly shutting down day by day and I can't do anything about it.

It's the sad life of loving someone in a war.

All I could think about now is hugging Pieck back.

I cradled her with my arms. Currently unfazed with everyone staring.

"I would like to spend the remaining of my life with you Pieck."

I looked into her eyes passionately.

She gave me a big smile and said

"I would like that."


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