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Dream: "If that's what you want"

George: "Shh"

Dream and George then watched the horror movie until it finished and the sun was about fully set so it was pretty dark

Dream: "It's pretty dark so you want me to drive you home?"

George: "Duh how else am I supposed to get there"

Dream: "Walk"

George: "You wouldn't make me walk"

Dream: "Your right, I wouldn't but it's threatening"

George just hopped into the car not helping Dream clean up anything then when Dream was finished he hopped into the car

Dream: "Thanks"

George: "What for?"

Dream: "For saying yes!"

George: "When?"

Dream: "When you said yes to go on a friend date with me, when you said yes to being my boyfriend, it's so weird..."

George: "Oh but what's so weird"

Dream: "That the first time I ever really noticed you I like had this connection with you I don't know it's like you know true love"

George: "Oh wait wow that's true it is kinda like true love I guess but I- I don't know"

Dream: "Don't know about what?"

George: "I don't know what if Sapnap like dared you to do this and dared you to act like you love me it's like to perfect to be true"

Dream: "Trust issues? Damn. George, Sapnap did not dare me to do any of this not one second of this day was a dare or a bet or anything George, I really do like you like a lot and I promise that us locking eyes for 5 minutes, us talking at lunch, us exchanging numbers, me protecting you, me asking you on a date, or even me asking you out is all true all me, all us"

George: "Oh wow I must look like a blind dick now"

Dream: "No I understand if you have trust issues"

George: "Dream? What is it to have trust issues?"

Dream: "Oh you don't know well George have you ever had a ex before?"

George: "Uh yeah"

Dream: "Were they at all bad or anything big happen with them?"

George: "Yeah"

Dream: "Well that big or bad thing might have made trusting other people hard"

George: "Oh that makes so much sense"

Dream then started driving back to George's house while George sat in the passing seat shocked and a little sad

Dream: "George I can tell that your sad, what's wrong?"

George: "Oh uh nothing"

Dream: "Ok well just reminding you that I love you a lot and you are very important to me and I care a lot about you even if we only properly met today"

George: "Shit he did it again"

Dream: "Did what again?"

George: "Oh I said that out loud...?"

Dream: "Yeah, what did I do again?"

George: "Nothing"

Dream: "Ok well we are here"

George unbuckled his seatbelt and went to hug Dream and George kinda snuggled up against his chest knowing he had to leave and he was obviously sad but didn't show it much

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