New Arrows

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Connors POV
I love my son, but I think I underestimated how hard parenting was. "What are you doing Ranger?" I asked. "Look daddy! I drew a truck!" He showed me his paper. "That's awesome buddy" My eye twitched. Its a yellow box with two sloppy circles under it. "Hey babe" Santana walked in. She kissed me. "Hey Ranger" she said. "Mommy look at my truck!" He showed her the drawing. "That's great honey" she said enthusiastically. She looked over at me and her eyebrows shot up. "I know" I sighed.

Baileys POV
"Gill stop eating paper!" I yelled. He dropped it. "You cant eat paper. You're gonna get sick" I groaned. "But Angel eats her hair" he pointed to his sister. "What?" I asked, shocked. "You little snitch!" Angel yelled and slapped him. He started crying. "Angel don't hit your brother!" I yelled. She looked mad. I sat down and pulled Gill into my lap. "Its ok Gill" I cooed. "She hit me!" He cried. "I know and that wasn't nice" I said. "Am I in trouble?" Angel asked. "Yes, go sit in the corner" I ordered. "No!" She started to cry. "Don't give me that! You hit him now go sit in the corner" I yelled. She sat in the corner and cried. I feel bad but she did hit him. Sky walked in. "What happened?" She asked. "Dear god help me. Your daughter hit your son, and they're both eating weird shit." I groaned in exhaustion. "Angel!" Sky yelled. "I'm sorry mommy" she cried. Gill stopped crying and hugged sky. Sky sat down next to Angel. "You cant hit people Angel" she said. She tried to stop crying but she kept weeping. "You also cant eat your hair" I added. "I'm sorry" she said. Sky pulled her into her lap. "Its ok honey" She said. "Your turn. I'm taking nap." I said. "Wait what?" Sky looked back at me in horror as I walked away. 

Max's POV
"Lex what are you doing?" Blaire asked. I looked over at Lex. "I'm solving world hunger" she said sarcastically. Lex has been sarcastic ever since she could talk. "Lex" Blaire growled. "I'm drawing a bird" she sighed. Blaire sat down on the bed next to me. "You think she's ready?" She whispered. "Yeah, she's gonna be great" I shrugged. "I don't know... I don't think we chose correctly." Blaire said. "Why?" I asked. "With that attitude? She's gonna get them all killed." she said. "She'll grow out of it babe. It'll be ok." I assured her. 

Riley's POV
"Is she asleep again?" I asked myself. Emma's at work. Finley is always sleeping. "Finn wake up" I shook her awake. "I don't have school today" she groaned. "Finn you need to wake up. You sleep to much" I said. "I'm tired" she groaned. "Honey its nearly two in the afternoon. You've been asleep all day" I said. "I'm still tired" she huffed. "We have something to do today" I said. "Ok" she groaned and got up.

Addison's POV
"Mom! I can't change the channel!" Crystal complained. I took the remote from her hand and switched it. "No not that one! The one before it!" Terra said. I sighed and switched it back a few channels. "Thanks mom!" They said and went to go watch the show. Dylan walked up to me and took the remote. She turned it off. "Hey!" They girls looked back at me. I pointed to Dylan. "Mom! Put it back on!" Crystal begged. "No. Come on. We've got something special for you and your friends." Dylan said. "Is it time already?" I asked. She nodded and I took a deep breath. 

Ella's POV
Metro and Spyro are playing with their cousins Nyca, Nathan, and Logan. They were playing tag and when Logan tried to tag Nathan, his hand glitched straight through him. Nathan laughed at him. "Hey! Play fair Nathan" Lila yelled at her son. Nathan frowned and went back to the game. "Hey L" I greeted. She smiled at me. "Thanks for watching them." she said. I nodded. "My kids are pretty tame and I needed a wake up call." I said. She rolled her eyes. "Where's Mia and Josh?" I asked. "Oh they're still bringing up the new bows from the truck." She said. Logan tagged Nyca and then purposely ran into the sunlight. Lila and I quickly ran to her and scooped her up before she burned herself. "Woah! Hey! You can't do that remember?" I asked. Nyca groaned to herself and Logan snickered. "Hey! You too mister. You play fair." Lila threatened. He sighed. "Yes aunt Lila." He moped away from the window. "Go get him Nyca." I let her go and she sped over to tag him. "What?! How is that fair? She used magic!" Logan whined. "Yeah well, she didn't try to kill you." I glared at him. He rolled his eyes.  

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