Four Fates

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Kais POV
I love my daughter's so much. Cals doing a good job training them to be fates. I have to train Jasmine to be a demon though. Its hard because I'm not fully demon myself. "I love you Jasmine" I tucked her in. "I love you too mommy" she smiled. They're only five. "I love you Amar" I said. "I love you" she responded. "I love you Leo" I said. "Love you too" she said. "I love you Cyrus" I said. The only response I got from her was a snore. "Goodnight girls" I said. "Goodnight mom" they said. For now they share a room, but they'll get their own rooms when they get older. Leo gets nightmares a lot, Cyrus could sleep through a tornado, Amar wakes up super easily, and Jasmine kicks like crazy. They share two bunk beds. Cyrus and Amar are on the top bunks and Jasmine and Leo are on the bottom. We didn't want Jasmine to kick herself off the top bunk because she already does it on the bottom, and we didn't want Leo to wake anyone up climbing down the ladder to come into our room when she gets a nightmare. "Hey baby" I said. "Hey" Cal yawned. I kissed her gently. "Are they asleep?" She asked. "Cyrus is" I chuckled. "I knew that, but I meant the others" she said. "Jasmine looked pretty sleepy. Leo was half asleep. Amar always takes longer though" I said. "Ok" she yawned again. "Are you feeling ok baby?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm just really tired" she said. "I know honey" I sighed. I laid down and she curled up into me. I turned off the light with my magic. "Goodnight my love" I said. "Night" she said.

I woke up and got ready while Cal was still asleep. I made her some coffee and she came out. "Good morning sleeping beauty" I smiled. "Morning" she yawned. "How do you get up so early?" she asked. "I'm the queen of hell babe. I have a lot to do" I shrugged. "I don't know how you do it. I cant even handle four kids" she said. "Demons may be rude and mean, but those four are different types of demons." I said. She nodded in agreement. "Speaking of which" I said.

I walked into the girls room. Jasmine has her legs on the bed and her head on the floor with the covers around her. Cyrus is fast asleep, sprawled out on the bed with one of her arms hanging off. Leo is asleep peacefully. I smiled looking at Amar's bed. "Amar? Are you awake?" I asked. I know she is. "Mhm" she hummed. "You wanna see Cerberus?" I asked. "Yeah" she climbed down the ladder and I picked her up. She was tired. "Did you get any sleep?" I asked. "Not much" she said. "But did you sleep?" I asked. "Yes" she said. "That's good" I said. Amar has the job of cutting the strings and seeing the past. Her part is the hardest to take on. Astro knew it, Alex knew it, and Amar can barley get any sleep because of it. Cerberus is just a regular sized Pitbull with three heads. He's not really as scary as all the legends. I opened the back door. "Cerberus!" I called. He came out of his dog house and stretched. I put Amar down and handed her three dog treats. She walked over to him and gave them the bones. "Come on, lets go see mom" I said. Amar sat on the couch watching TV with Cal. I went back into the girls room.

I only got Amar up early because I didn't want her to sit there awake by herself. Now its time to get the other girls up. I picked Jasmine up and put her back in the bed. "Jasmine wake up" I shook her gently. "Hmm?" She groaned. "Time to get up" I said. "Ok" she hummed. She stretched and fell of the bed. I would be worried but she does this everyday. I walked over to Leo. "Leo wake up. Time to get up" I said. She opened her eyes slowly. "Get up ok?" I said. She nodded slowly. "Cyrus get up" I shook her. I cant be gentle with her because she wont get up. She groaned. "Yeah I know but its time to get up" I said. She yawned. She stared at me with a dead expression. She took a deep breath and got up. Cyrus slid down the ladder and walked into the kitchen with Leo. "Jasmine?" I asked. "I'm up" she groaned. "Can you get your body up?" I asked. "I don't wanna" she whined. "I know but you get to play with Cerberus" I said. She rolled out of the covers and got up. The kids love Cerberus so I use him to get them to do stuff. I picked up Jasmines covers and shoved them back on her bed.

We took them to the park. I hate taking them here because they play with the other demon kids. Demons are mean and I don't want them to get hurt. "Babe calm down. Look, they're having fun" Cal pointed. I looked at my three girls. They are having fun on the slide. "But what about her?" I asked. We looked over at Jasmine in the sandbox alone. "She has fun in her own way" Cal shrugged. "Is that it? Or is it that they think she's a freak?" I asked. Cal kissed my cheek. "She'll be ok babe" she said. "But what if she isn't. What if she ends up like me?" I asked. "You're not bad" she said. "No, but before I moved to the overworld, school my life sucked" I said. "I know, but we're here to protect her and I'm sure they'll protect her too" she said. "I'm worried that they'll grow up and find that their sister is isn't normal, and they wont accept her. They'll push her away" I said. "That wont happen" she said. "Who is that?" I asked. Cal looked over.

Jasmines POV
The demons don't like me. They say I'm odd. I like to play alone though. I like to make castles in the sand. "Hey" a girl said. I looked over. "Hi" I smiled politely. She has brown hair with yellow horns and a tail. "What are you doing?" She asked. "Building in the sand" I said. "Can I do it with you?" She asked. I nodded. "I'm Jasmine" I smiled. "I'm Sunburst but you can call me Sunny" she smiled back.

Leos POV
I looked over. "Cyrus!" I called. She ran over to me. "What?" she asked. I pointed at Jasmine. "Who is that?" she asked. "I don't know" I shrugged. Amar walked over. "Whos with Jasmine?" She asked. "We don't know" I said. "Should we check on her?" Cyrus asked. "Maybe she's just a new friend" Amar said. Cyrus and I looked at each other. "Lets go check on her" I said. Jasmine doesn't have friends. 

"Hey!" Cyrus snapped. "Hi?" The girl said. "Stop messing with our sister" I growled. "But I didn't-" I cut her off. "Go!" I snapped. She ran off scared. "Sunburst!" Jasmine yelled. "Sorry Jasmine but we wanna keep you safe" Amar said. "I don't want your help!" she yelled at us. "Don't you remember what happened last time" I asked. She looked down. "We cant let that happen again" Cyrus said. Jasmine thought she made friends but they ended up throwing rocks at her. "Lets go home" I said.

Jasmines POV
Sunburst really did want to be my friend. She said that she was an outcast too. She said that people make fun of her because she has super speed. Its not a normal power for demons. I know that my sisters are trying to help but I have no friends and I want friends. "So who was that girl you were playing with?" mommy asked. Mom is with my sisters doing their fate stuff. "Her names Sunburst" I said. "What happened with your sisters?" She asked. "They scared her away" I grumbled. "I'm sorry honey. You know they're only trying to help you" she said. "I know but I don't want their help" I huffed. "I know" she sighed. "Lets go. I have to go to the Chamber" she said. I put my shoes on and we left.

Mommy said she was gonna have a meeting with a demon about starting a business. She's sitting on her throne. I'm laying on my stomach, coloring on a paper. The doors opened. I didn't look but I heard mommy get up and go over to the demon. "Can I color with you?" A girl asked. I looked up. "Sunburst!" I said excitedly. I got up and hugged her. We sat down and she colored with me. "I'm sorry about my sisters" I said. "Its ok. I just got a little scared" she said. "I know and I'm sorry, but I really wanna be your friend" I said. "I do too!" she said. We smiled. "Id love to run with you" I said. "Really?" She asked, hopefully. "Yeah. I know I can keep up" I said. She smiled. "You wanna race?" She asked. "Sure!" I said. We got up and got into running positions. We took off. We ran circles around the room laughing. "Sunburst!" Her father yelled. She skidded her feet on the floor to stop. I tripped and fell. I stood up. "Sorry" her father sighed. "Its fine. I'm actually glad that Jasmine can find someone to play with" my mom said. I smiled at Sunburst. "I guess Ill be seeing you around" he said. My mom nodded. "Say bye Jasmine" mom said. "Bye sunny" I smiled. "Bye Jasmine" she said, and walked out. "Try not to run around like that. You could hurt yourself" mom said. "Sorry mommy" I said.

Kais POV
I laid down in bed. Now I'm the tired one. "Hey baby, long day?" Cal asked. "Yeah" I sighed. "How was Jasmine?" She asked. "She made a friend today" I said. She raised an eyebrow. "No really! She found a good demon" I said. "Looks like its not just your family" she said. "No, her dad is still a dick" I groaned. She chuckled. "I'm glad that Jasmine has a friend" she said. "Yeah me too" I agreed.

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