The Interdimensional War

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Finley's POV
A loud warping sound echoed over the city, followed by the ground starting to shudder. "They're here" Kara 7 said. "Lets go arrows!" Lex announced. We sent an emergency call to everyone and went to the portal. It was huge. Its in a field. A small ship flew out. After that a lot more ships came out. "Holy shit" I huffed. A massive ship came through. It must be the Mothership. That must be where Lizz and Kat are. "You all ready?" Santana yelled. The ships started to land and the soldiers came out. "Lets do this!" Lex yelled. "Go!" Santana yelled. We ran in and the fight started. They were strong. I noticed Amar wasnt here. Cyrus, Jasmine, Leo, and Sunburst are. The thought started to creep into my mind. Someone's gonna die. "Ahh!" I yelled. Cyrus put a shield around us. "Babe are you ok?" She asked. "Yeah" I groaned. "Fuck! You're shot" she said. "Amar if you kill her, Ill kill you!" She yelled in the sky. She used her magic to heal me. It wasnt the best but I'm ok. "Watch out this time" she said. We went back to the battle.

"Lex! We cant keep this up! We're running out of energy and I'm almost out of arrows" I said. Its been a few hours. They wont stop. "I know but how are we gonna get everyone out?" She asked. "We gotta steal one of their ships" I said. "Are you insane?!" She asked. "Do you see another option?" I asked. She looked around and got an idea. "GILL, ANGEL, RANGER! I NEED YOU TO MAKE A HELICOPTER!" she yelled. "WHAT?! WE CANT DO THAT BY OURSELVES" Angel yelled. "THEN GET HELP!" Lex yelled. Angel, Gill, Ranger, Metro, Spyro, and Logan used their magic to make a helicopter for our escape. Everyone who couldn't fly got in. Emma sat in the driver seat. "Mom, can you even drive this thing?" I asked. "Of course I can" she said, as if that was a stupid question. "RETREAT!" Riley yelled. We all flew out.

The war has begun and we're losing. We need to get this done with. I refuse to live like this. "What now? They're invading our earth and there's nothing we can do" Nyca said. "We need help" Lex said. "Yeah but there's no one left to help us!" I said. "Maybe not on this earth" Kat said. "What?" I asked. "We maybe out of help on this earth, but what if we got helped by ourselves?" Kat asked. "32?" Chandler asked. "Not just 32" Kat smirked. "No you cant" Santana said. "We have to" Kat said. "What are you talking about?" Ranger asked. "Earth 26" Kat said. "That's not a bad idea" Cyrus said. "Ill send a signal to them" Kat said. "In the meantime, do we just sit here?" I asked. "No, we have to level up to them" Riley said. "How?" Terra asked. "You guys made one helicopter, but what if we could make air ships like theirs" Riley said. "Like fighter jets?" Santana asked. "Yeah!" Riley said. "Ok. We can try. Everyone with the power of creation, come with me" Santana said. They all left. "Now what?" I asked. "Now we make a real plan" Lex said. 

Kara 7 POV
I wont sit idly by while they make a plan. "Quinn we need to go" I whispered. She nodded in agreement. We walked to the door. "Where are you two going?" Nathan asked. "Bathroom" I said. He seemed to believe that. We walked outside. Its like hell. There's soldiers shooting and people running. "We've gotta find the boss" I said. She nodded.

I made Quinn and I invisible. We snuck to the mothership. "Ya know its not nice to spy on people" I heard. We turned around and the invisibility wore off. "Traitors" Connor gritted through his teeth. Connor is the top guard, so he has special glasses that can see through invisibility. "You cant do anything to us. You're just a human" I said. "Oh really?" He asked. He pulled back his arrow. It glowed blue. "Shit" I huffed. Its cytosine. "What do we do?" Quinn asked. "I cant do anything. If I move, he'll shoot me" I said. "Not if I can help it!" I heard someone yell. A girl came in on a zip line and kicked Connor in the face. He got up and they started fighting. I put a shield around me and Quinn. The girl knocked Connor out and walked over to us. She had long black hair and a long scar across her eye. She looked mad. She reached her hand out. "Come with me" she said. I hesitantly took her hand and Quinn followed. 

We got to a small dark alleyway. "Hey I'm back" the girl said. "Awesome" a mutant girl slid down the wall on a pole. They look familiar. The mutant held a long metal stick. My eyes widened. "Cleo?" I asked. She electrocuted her stick and pointed it at me. "How do you know my name?" she snarled. I gasped and turned to the other girl. "Santana?" I asked, hopefully. "What the fuck?" she said, confused. "Santana its me. Its Kara" I said. Her eyes widened. Cleo lowered her stick. "No... there's no way" she said. "But it is" I said. She hugged me and I hugged back. "I missed you" I said. "I missed you too" she said. "What happened to your eye?" Quinn asked. "Cleo hit me with her stick" Santana glared at Cleo. "You escaped?" I asked. They told us everything. "So are Arc and them here with you?" I asked. "Yeah they are. Cleo go get them" Santana said. Cleo climbed up the pole and walked away. She came back with Arc, Gabe, Zephyr, Zike, and Zane. "I missed you guys so much!" I smiled. "This is sweet and everything, but the arrows are probably stressed out" Quinn said. "Arrows?" Cleo asked. "We'll explain on the way" I said.

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