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„ —┆実際 › FACT

• Kanashi is allergic to shrimps, and is in love with uncooked tomatoes

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Kanashi is allergic to shrimps, and is in love with uncooked tomatoes. Apples hurts her gums causing it to bleed, so she prefer tomatoes than apples.



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and decided to give it a break. She took the drawings she made and put it to her drawer. Those creepy drawings made her feel uncomfortable. She hid the black crayon behind the lamp and began to stretch her arms up. She glanced at the clock on the wall, and noticed how late it was. 12:04 AM.

She sighed and stood up. She went to the nearest shelf and took a jar of pellets. She approached the cat's bowl right besides her bed and filled the cat's bowl with pellets. The cat's right ear perked up and noticed kanashi's appearance. The cat jumped out of bed and ate it's food.

Kanashi sighed in content before returning back the jar of pellets back to it's place. She glanced at the tank to the opposite side, and she saw her two big turtles sleeping peacefully, while the babies are roaming around the tank which brings a smile on kanashi's face.

But she realized what she have done. Her smile slowly turned into a frown. She cupped her cheeks with her right palm and began to trace the dry scar with her fingers, it made her look like a monster. It made her feel like a monster, that damn Jeffrey.

Words can't describe how kanashi hates jeff the killer. He's the reason why sora died, he's the reason why she lost herself and her emotions.

Those turtles, It made her feel like she wanted to harm it, but she went against it when she remembered her sister. Those big turtles are Sora's pets and she promised sora that she will take care of it. The turtles made her smile, even just a little bit. It made her angry, but there's nothing she can do other than to ignore the bubbly feeling inside her.

A crash was heard, it made her eyes twitch in annoyance. There was a creature in the living room, trying to kidnap and take her somewhere. It was a man, wearing a black hoodie and a blue mask with dry black tears oozing out of it's socket. It's been a month, and the creature keeps attacking her every 12 AM. She knows about slenderman and their location, although she doesn't care anything about them, which made slenderman thinks that kanashi is a threat to the creepypasta. So slenderman ordered the man to attack kanashi and to kidnap her. Bring her to the creepypasta, harmed or unharmed but alive. Kanashi scratched the back of her head before going back to bed, but she heard another bang.

" Why can't he just- give me a damn break. "

Kanashi groaned and shoved her face to her pillow, using the sides of her pillow to cover her ears to block out the noise but she felt uncomfortable. So she fixed her position into a comfortable one, while ignoring the sound coming from upstairs. It did work, as she felt herself drifting off to sleep. But apparently, it didn't last long.

" Oi e.j.! I saw a door here! "

Her eyes snapped open, then her gaze landed to her twin sickles hanging on the wall. She immediately stood up, and took the sickles.

" Huh, i guess they've found out. "


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