Chatroom Adventure 4

230 15 18

*Fuuka has entered the chatroom*

Fuuka: Hi guys! (*-'ω´- )人

*GiantJumbo has entered the chatroom*

GiantJumbo: Hello Fuuka, what's with that weird face btw?

Fuuka: Wha- what face...?

Fuuka: MY FACE? Weird..? D':

GiantJumbo: I meant this face

Giant Jumbo: (*-'ω´- )人

Fuuka: Oh


Fuuka: It's so cute (*-'ω´- )人

GiantJumbo: Your definition of cute is weird xD

Fuuka: (*-'ω´- )人

Fuuka: (*-'ω´- )人

Fuuka: (*-'ω´- )人

GiantJumbo: You can stop now


Fuuka: HA 

Fuuka: HA 

Fuuka: HA 

Fuuka: (*-'ω´- )人

GiantJumbo: I'm getting off this chat

*GiantJumbo has left the chatroom*

Fuuka: It was a joke Jumbo D:

Fuuka: Now I'm left alone in this lonely chatroom again D:

Fuuka: Someone save me from this loneliness

*Koiwai has entered this chatroom*

Fuuka: Mr Koiwai! My knight in shining armour :3

Koiwai: Hi Fuuka :)

Fuuka: Hello Mr Koiwai :D

Fuuka: What's Yotsuba doing? :D

Koiwai: I think she's playing in the bedroom with Juralumin 

Fuuka: That's so cute :3

Koiwai: Did you hear about this crazy diet thing on the news this morning?

Fuuka: Yea

Fuuka: I did because I was watching the tv before I left for school

Fuuka: A diet...

Fuuka: I should go on one...

*Icecream<3 has entered the chatroom*

Koiwai: You don't need to Fuuka!!! D:

Koiwai: You're as cute as ever already :)

Fuuka: Aww... thanks Mr Koiwai hehe (^o^)

Icecream<3: I think I'll leave you two alone again .-.

Fuuka: Not this again -_-

*Icecream<3 has left the chatroom*

Koiwai: ...

*Yanda has entered the chatroom*



Fuuka: Nope!

Fuuka: Nothing at all 

Koiwai: Yanda... -_-

Yanda: I was just joking around!

Panda: Relax okay Koiwai?

Panda: You're gonna get older than you already are if you keep worrying haha

Koiwai: Yanda you idiot -_-

Panda: Hahahhahaha :D

Fuuka: lol

Panda: So... Fuuka

Fuuka: Yeess..?

Panda: Where your sister? ;D

Fuuka: Err... I'll go call her...

Panda: LOL I was just joking! :D

Panda: But if you could go tell her to come on it would be nice...

Koiwai: Wow, you and Jumbo are just both the same

Panda: Don't compare me to that tall baboon! :P

Koiwai: Hmmm...

Koiwai: You know what, he does kinda remind me of one

*Icecream<3 has entered the conversation*

Panda: Asagi, if you were a fruit, you would be a fineapple ;)

Icecream<3: If you were a fruit, you would be an onion

Icecream<3: Because I would cry at the sight of you

Panda: lol

Panda: an onion isn't a fruit though hehe

Icecream<3: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Fuuka: You do know that Asagi already has a boyfriend right?

Fuuka: wait..

Fuuka: Or did she already break up with him?

Icecream<3: :P

*Icecream<3 has left the chatroom*

Fuuka: Wow

Fuuka: Rood 

Koiwai: Oh

Koiwai: my

Koiwai: god

GiantJumbo: ?

Koiwai: I cant find Yotsuba...

Fuuka: ._.

Fuuka: You do know that she came to our house 10 minutes ago right?

Koiwai: No... .-.

GiantJumbo: HA

GiantJumbo: You're the worst father ever Koiwai >:D

Koiwai: I need to reevaluate my life ._.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2015 ⏰

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