Chatroom adventure 3

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*GiantJumbo has entered the chatroom*

GiantJumbo: Hello

GiantJumbo: Is anybody here

GiantJumbo: No?

*GiantJumbo has left the conversation*

*Ena has entered the chatroom*

Ena: Hi!

Ena: Oh

Ena: Nobody's here and I'm talking to myself...

*Danbo has entered the chatroom*

Ena: Hi Miura :D

Danbo: Hello Ena

Ena: I was just waiting for you and you finally came :D

Danbo: So, we have to do our project

Ena: What do you want to make?

Danbo: I don't know...

Danbo: Maybe we should do recycling

Ena: But you already did that and Yotsuba almost cried because she thought Danbo was dead.

Danbo: Hey hey...

Danbo: I can't help being born with no abilities to lie to little kids

Ena: Oh and don't forget that time you said her drawing was bad... ._."

Danbo: Don't remind me about it :P

Ena: Anyways, we're getting off track :D

*Panda has entered the conversation*

Panda: What's up guys?

Danbo: The ceiling

Panda: Oh

Ena: Hello Yanda :)

Ena: Miura and I were just discussing our project

Panda: What does it have to be about?

Danbo: Our teacher said we had to do a presentation on preserving the environment

Panda: I can help! I have many ideas :DD

Ena: That would be nice :)

Panda: Have you decided what you're going to do it on?

Ena: Nope, that's why we're here.

Panda: I know!!!

Panda: Recycling!!! You can make something out of waste items!

Danbo: That brings back bad memories

Panda: Ehhh? That was a good idea too

Ena: Sorry Yanda ^-^"

Panda: Compost? You can bring some in and tell the class about it. Like how it's food scraps being broken down for the soil!

Ena: That's a good idea...

Panda: See?

Danbo: Except the classroom would stink up if we brought something like that into the classroom

Panda: Awww :(

Ena: Don't say that Miura! I like the idea :)

Danbo: Sometimes the truth sucks :P

Ena: True true...

*Koiwai has entered the chatroom*

Panda: Koiwaiiiii

Koiwai: sejhsdjh idhshj csjhcsjhsciucsyucsdhjnbvhjd

Ena: ???

Koiwai: osiucsduicdx xhbixcdjbdxcguycdnjcs jhcsds

Panda: You ok there?

Danbo: .-.

Koiwai: Hello guys, that was Yotsuba. Haha.

Ena: Hello Mr Koiwai :)

Panda: :3

Danbo: Hi Mr Koiwai

*GiantJumbo has entered the chatroom*

Panda: Yo

GiantJumbo: Hi people

Ena: Hello Jumbo :)

Miura: hi

Koiwai: Hi Jumbo. What are you doing right now?

GiantJumbo: I'm actually selling flowers right now but I'm talking to you guys because there are currently no customers.

Ena: You sell flowers?

GiantJumbo: Yep, I run a florist :]

Ena: Cool!

GiantJumbo: You should stop by one day, I'll give you some flowers :)

Koiwai: This isn't some crazy scheme to give flowers to Asagi, is it?

GiantJumbo: No it's not :o

GiantJumbo: It's true she's pretty but I wouldn't use a kid for that!

Koiwai: Since when did I say anything about you using Ena for your advantage?

GiantJumbo: *sigh* you saw right through me. Happy now?

Ena: Asagi is in her room right now, do you want me to tell her that you like her?

GiantJumbo: No no, it's alright haha ^o^"

Panda: I'll get Asagi some flowers before you do so you better hurry ;)

GiantJumbo: Why you little...

Koiwai: We should stop talking about this, mind you, there are children here.

Danbo: That's right.

Ena: hehe ^-^"

GiantJumbo: I'm very sorry.

Danbo: Apology accepted.

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