Chatroom adventure 1

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*Koiwai has entered the chatroom*

Koiwai: Is anybody here?

Koiwai: Hello?

*Fuuka has entered the chatroom*

Fuuka: Hello! :D

Kowai: Hello Fuuka :)

Fuuka: What is Yotsuba doing?

Koiwai: She's sitting on my lap. She says hello.

Fuuka: Tell her I said hello too! :D

*Icecream<3 has entered the chatroom*

Fuuka: Huh? o_O 

Fuuka: Who's icecream?

Koiwaii: ?

Icecream<3: Oh

Icecream<3: I see...

Fuuka: She what?

Icecream<3: Two people alone in a chatroom together... ;)

Fuuka: It's not like that!

Koiwaii: ._.

Icecream<3: I should probably leave you two alone... ;)

 *Icecream<3 has left the chatroom*    

Fuuka: I think that was asagi...

Koiwaii: ._.

*GiantJumbo has entered the chatroom*

GiantJumbo: Hi

Koiwai: Hello Jumbo

Fuuka: Hi jumbooo

GiantJumbo: Is Asagi here?

Fuuka: She just left

GiantJumbo: I'm too late again ;-;       

Fuuka: I can tell her to get on

GiantJumbo: Thx :D

Fuuka: brb

Koiwai: Haha...

GiantJumbo: What

Koiwai: You really like her don't you

GiantJumbo: Ofc I do

GiantJumbo: She's so pretty...

*Icecream<3 has entered the chatroom*

GiantJumbo: Hello Asagi~ <3

Icecream<3: Hello

Koiwai: Hello again

GiantJumbo: Asagi, I want to show you something

Koiwai: ._.

*Koiwai has left the chatroom*

*Fuuka has left the chatroom*

Icecream<3: Hey! Everybody left...

GiantJumbo: Um...

Icecream<3: So what did you want to show me?


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Icecream<3: ?

GiantJumbo: It came out weird ;-;

*Koiwai has entered the chatroom*

*Fuuka has entered the chatroom*

Koiwai: :)

Fuuka: So, Asagi, what happened? 

Icecream<3: It was nothing

Fuuka: um

Koiwai: ._.

*Panda has entered the chatroom*

Koiwai: ?

Panda: It's me! Yanda!

Fuuka: hi ._.

Panda: Yanda and panda, geddit? ahahaha :P

GiantJumbo: Yo

Panda: Jumbo!

Ayase: Hi yanda :)

Panda: Ayase... <333

GiantJumbo: Yanda... you...

Koiwai: Um

Yanda: Koiwai

Koiwai: Yes?

Yanda: Is it ok it I come over tomorrow to use your hot water?

Koiwai: Ok

Yanda: Tell yotsuba to get ready. Heh :P

Koiwai: She says she hates you.

Icecream<3: LOL


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