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"Remus, Sirius!" Aurora called out as she ran into the Great Hall at breakfast.

She was going to tell them about what she discovered last night time like the present!

She plopped down in between them while James wiped an imaginary tear from his face, "Nice to know that Rory realises I exist too."

Aurora rolled her eyes, "Hello, James."

His eyes lit up, "Ahhh, music to my ears. Hello, Rory."

"Right," she said, turning her attention back to Remus and Sirius, "I found something in the library that might be useful. But first, I need to get James and Peter up to date since they're too nosy for their own good."

"What are you guys talking about?" Peter questioned.

Aurora raised a brow at Sirius & Remus, "See?"

After getting the others up to date (as well as Marlene, Lily, Molly, Dorcas and Mary since they overheard 'accidentally-on-purpose'), Aurora brought out the sheet she ripped from the book last night.

Lily and Remus gasped, "How dare you do that to that poor book, you despicable creature!"

"Le oof," Sirius smirked.

Giving everyone a chance to read the page, which took a bloody long time, Aurora had the chance to eat her whole breakfast by the time they were done.

"But...what does that mean?" Dorcas frowned.

Aurora huffed, "Did you read the sheet?"

"Of course I did, but..." Dorcas trailed off.

"Look, Rory," Lily spoke, "I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. Honestly? You're a witch- things like that are going to happen. I'm sure you're just a muggleborn like I am."

Aurora shrugged, "Yeah, I guess. It's just nonsense."

"Oh, look at you, Lilyflower," James grinned, "Always the one to solve problems with your mind-blowing words!"

"Oh get a bloody life, Potter! Do you have nothing better to do?"

"What could possibly be better than fantasizing about you?" James waggled his eyebrows.

Lily rolled her eyes, "We have to get to class," and then she stormed off.

"Smooth, Potter, real smooth," Aurora nudged James 'encouragingly'.

"Like butter, right?" James grinned enthusiastically, thinking Aurora was actually being genuine.

Silly, naïve boy.

"Lily's right, though," Remus nodded, "We have potions and you cannot afford another detention.

"Oh yeah, speaking of detentions, Filch nearly found me after hours and I almost could've gotten another detention."

"Of course you did, Aurora."


"Alright," boomed the Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor, "Today we will be working on the hex deflection spell- Salvio Hexia."

After explaining what the spell did and how to do it, the professor told everyone to get into pairs and practice the spell but to only use Expelliarmus as the attacking spell.


Aurora faced Sirius a few feet away as she pointed her wand at him, "Okay, Pads, you ready?"

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