xi.The Date

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"Hello, fellow citizens," Aurora sighed happily as she sat with the Marauders at breakfast.

Today was the day of her date...which she was very excited for.

"Woah," Remus laughed, eating some chocolate, "This isn't Rory...this is Aurora."

"Hey, bestie," James spoke while munching on some bacon.

Peter waved...but Sirius pretended like he didn't even realise Aurora was there!

"Helloooo," Aurora waved a hand in Sirius' face, "Earth to idiot?"

She huffed but grinned when she picked up a bread roll and chucked it at his face.

"Bloody hell, Aurora," Sirius placed his hand on the place the bread hit him- it was quite a hard throw actually.

Aurora crossed her arms, "Oh, so you do know I'm here? Care to explain why you're ignoring me?"

Sirius rolled his eyes and got up from the table, "I have to go."

"And do what?"

"...study." And with that he walked away.

Aurora turned to the other boys, "Pffft- study? Yeah right. Study my ass."

"That's true," James nodded in agreement, "I think the last time he actually opened a book was...huh, never."

"Don't take it personally that he's ignoring you, Rory," Remus smiled lightly, "You and I both know and have learnt to not ride his emotional rollercoaster of a mess."

Aurora nodded, high-fiving Remus, "That is very true, my friend. Very true indeed."


A few hours later, the girls had help Aurora get ready for the date.

"I can't believe you got a date with Nicholas White," Marlene grinned as she added the final touches to Aurora's makeup, "Aaaand done- oh you look great!"

Aurora stumbled down the stairs that led from the dorms to the common room, ready for her date.

Aurora stumbled down the stairs that led from the dorms to the common room, ready for her date

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The Marauders, who were sitting in the common room doing what-not, looked up at her.

"Ooooh, fancy pantsy" James winked.

Remus rolled his eyes, "You look great Rory." Peter nodded in agreement, "Definitely."

Sirius just turned away and didn't say anything, earning an eye roll from Aurora.

"Well, I'm off," she smiled, exiting the common room.


Outside the common room, Aurora found Nicholas standing there, waiting for her.

"Hey," she smiled, walking up to him.

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