xii.Late Nights Make Boyfriends

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It was very late at night- practically everyone had gone to sleep...other than Aurora.

Aurora sat in the common room, sucking on a lollipop (I read about someone sucking on a lollipop in a story once and when I tell you I could SMELL the comments and s p r i n t e d  to them 😁🔫). She was reading a book but didn't look up when she heard a noise and the sofa dip next to her.

The 'mystery person' sat there for a while until Aurora spoke up, "Are you going to actually talk or just stare?"

She turned to who was sitting next to her.

"I think I'll go with the latter."

"Then take a picture- it'll last longer," she smirked.

"I'll pass and stick to staring," Nicholas grinned.

Aurora rolled her eyes.

Ever since their first date, the two had gone on several others and Aurora found herself starting to really like him.

It had also been several weeks since she and Sirius had uttered a word to one another- the last time they had spoken was since their argument. Yes, it was rather petty, but they were both as stubborn as each other and refused to apologise to one another even though Aurora strongly believed she didn't do anything wrong (which she didn't).

"So," he moved closer to her, "What're you reading?"

"Nothing," Aurora scoffed, "I opened this book to look at the pictures."

"Of course you did," he laughed. Then he cleared his throat, "I have something for you."

The girl raised a brow, "Oh yeah? What is it?"

He pulled a folded piece of paper out of his pocket and handed it to a curious Aurora.

She unfolded it and immediately internally smiled.

Aurora turned to Nicholas to find that he was extremely nervous, "You have a quill?"

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Aurora turned to Nicholas to find that he was extremely nervous, "You have a quill?"

He shook his head, "I didn't exactly come prepared."

"Never mind...I think I have a pen with me?"

The wizard furrowed his brows, "What in Merlin is a pen?"

Aurora waved her hand carelessly, "Muggle stuff."

She searched her pockets until she found a pen and muttered an 'aha'.

She took the sheet and ticked one of the boxes (ha yeah three guesses what)

"Here you go," she handed him the sheet.

His eyes immediately lit up when he saw the 'yes' box with a tick in its box.

"Yes, yes, yes!" he laughed. He hugged her tight...a little too tight.

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