Chapter 22

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         "ARE YOU SURE YOU'RE UP TO THIS?" ROWAN asks, his face a mask of concern as he presses a pocketknife into my hand. My palm feels clammy as I grip the metallic handle; even so, I nod. There's no way I'm backing down now, especially since I know that Rowan will have no chance against the guards without me.

            "I'll be fine," I say, trying to keep the tremor out of my voice as my brain races through flashbacks of my previous attack in Darrington.

            Rowan reaches out and grasps my other hand in his, squeezing it tightly. "I won't let anything happen to you," he says softly. "You know that, right?"

            I manage to smile back at him, but at the same time I feel a twinge of annoyance. I held my own in Darrington just fine—haven't I already proved myself capable of incapacitating a guard? I silently curse myself for the panic attack that tore my composure apart last time. I can do this.

            "Let's go over the plan. The guard towers are there and there," Rowan says, pointing to each one. "You and Hayley are going to the left one, and I'll head for the right one."

            "When I get into our tower, I'll take out the security camera and the guard," I say, taking over. "Once I've got the guard under control, I'll take Hayley through and into Arlington."

            "Right. I'll take care of the guard in the right-hand tower. Then we each come through the other side of the towers and meet at the gap between those two houses, right there." Rowan's gaze flicks from Hayley to me. "Are we clear?"

            "Yeah," I say, already feeling my heart begin to race in my chest.

            "Be sure to get a rock to take out the camera," Rowan says over his shoulder as he starts to creep towards the right-hand tower. "And wait for my signal."

            I nod and pick up a stone from the ground, slipping it into my pocket, and pull the hood of my jacket more securely over my head. I hope it'll be enough to hide my face from the guard. I glance down at Hayley, who looks terrified, and reach down to squeeze her hand. "We'll be okay. I won't let anything happen to you," I say, repeating Rowan's own words to me.

            "What if he has a gun?" Hayley whispers.

            "He won't have a chance to use it," I say, wishing I were as confident as I sound. "Listen to me, Hayley. I'll go in first and take out the camera and the guard. You hide outside, and don't come in until I call, okay?" I can't bear the thought of putting Hayley in danger.

            Hayley nods. "Okay."

            Suddenly, I sense a flash of light in my peripheral vision. Whipping around, I see Rowan's signal—his flashlight giving three quick, spontaneous bursts of light. I spring into action, grabbing Hayley's hand and gripping my knife in the other, and sprint towards the tower.

            I can't think. If I think, I'll stop running, I'll stop and tear back towards the trees, and the plan won't work. Rowan will die. Hayley will die. All I can do is run, pushing away my fear, pretending that it doesn't exist. My right hand, which holds the pocketknife, is sweaty, and I grip the handle harder, determined not to let it slip away.

            The guard is stationed at the bottom of the tower—I can see him through the glass panels inserted into the walls, watch his lips form a shout of alarm as he sees Hayley and me barreling towards him. I let go of Hayley's hand, feel her fall back and wait for me, and I do what I know I need to do.

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