Chapter 4

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        THE WATER SPLASHES IN THE metal sink as I finish up the last of the dishes. Hayley and Liana are outside, starting the farm work. Liana promised Hayley she’d teach her how to milk Ellie today.

        I woke once or twice in the middle of the night after Hayley’s initial nightmare and heard her crying softly, and I had to go to her room and hush her. There’s no more shrieking, though, which is a big improvement. Tonight, Liana and I are going to start helping her to train herself to keep quiet at night, even during bad dreams. I’m feeling optimistic. At this rate, she’ll be okay by the time she leaves our homestead.

            A loud knock on the front door yanks me unceremoniously out of my thoughts. I turn off the sink, wipe my hands on the dishtowel lying on the counter, and walk over to the door. When I pull it open, my heart nearly stops.

            “Bureaucrat…Bureaucrat Jacklin,” I stammer.

            “Stella. How nice to see you again,” Sarah Jacklin says, smiling.

            "Its an honor to have you." I try to put on Liana’s air of smooth gracefulness. “Please, come in.”

            I hadn’t exactly forgotten about Jacklin’s visit today. Liana and I had cleaned up the house a bit, but it hadn’t really sunk in that our bureaucrat, the most important official in the province, was paying our tiny little run-down homestead a visit. We assumed it would be sometime in the afternoon, not this early in the morning, so we weren’t at all prepared.

            I watch Jacklin walk slowly into the room, polished black high-heels clicking on the thin wooden floorboards. Everything about her screams wealth and privilege, from her spotless, white button-down coat to her black leather bodycon skirt. Her dark hair is pulled back into a tight bun at the top of her head, and expensive black-framed glasses rest on the bridge of her nose. She peers through them as she looks all around her, examining the questionable condition of the house. My jaw tightens.

        She’s not alone, either. Two tall, broad-shouldered guards stride into the room after her, each wearing the uniform and badge of the official Washington police. They, too, are looking around the homestead with barely concealed disgust, but I hardly notice. All I can see are the holstered handguns strapped to their belts, along with a variety of other weapons—pepper spray, clubs, and Tasers. There are also a pair of handcuffs hanging from each belt opposite the weapons.

        I start back, surprised. This is Jacklin’s escort? What does she think we’re going to do, assault her?

        I manage to tear my gaze away from the guards’ weapon belts and smile at Jacklin. “Why don’t you sit down?” I suggest, gesturing towards the table. "I’ll go get my sisters.”

        Jacklin nods. “Thank you, Stella.”

            I go out the back door and find Liana and Hayley in Ellie’s stall. Hayley’s face is covered in milk, and Liana is laughing, helping her with the bucket so that Hayley can gulp down more of the delicious cream.

            I manage a smile and use the corner of my apron to wipe the milk from Hayley’s face. After she’s all cleaned up, I look sternly at Liana. “Jacklin’s here,” I tell her. “And she has guards with her. You two need to pull yourselves together.”

            “Jacklin’s here already?” Liana’s hands fly to her hair. “Dammit. I’m a mess.” She hurries out of the stall and into the house.

            “Who’s here?” Hayley asks.

            “It’s our city bureaucrat,” I say, helping Hayley to her feet. “She’s the woman who was there when you first met me at the capitol building, remember? Now, Hayley, you have to be very polite to her. Always call her Bureaucrat Jacklin or ma’am and speak to her very nicely. She’s the one who’s going to tell Liana and I more about taking care of you.” I hoist her up into my arms. “Come now, let’s get you into some nice clothes. Liana and I might have some old ones that will fit you.”

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