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In the late spring and early summer, everyone wears less, thin skinny materials, sitting closer, just sticking to the body, the flesh is close to the flesh. With a little movement, you can get in touch with people around you.

Jiang Suisui didn't pay attention so much. He pointed to the sack and asked, "What are you holding in it?"

Song Shiqing replied: "The two hares and a snake caught last time are going to be sold in the city."

These things were still alive when they were caught. They have been raised at home these days, and they are still alive. In the sack, there are occasional small movements.

The bullock cart has already set off. At this time, the road is not the same as the later asphalt. The road is bumpy and full of stones. If the wheel of the cart accidentally hits a stubborn stone, the person on the bullock cart will be bumped. Get up, then fall heavily.

It's just that the members of Moon Bay are all used to it, and only Jiang Suisui frowned after being bounced several times, and his mouth flattened.

If this continues, she hasn't been to the city yet, and it is estimated that her ass will be broken and blooming.

From the beginning, she sat honestly and became now. After sitting for a while, she moved a few restlessly. At the last moment, it is estimated that she ran into a big stone, and the force of the bump was a little bit stronger. Jiang Suisui’s ass It hurts.

She frowned, writhing, trying to make herself feel better.

However, she felt better, but Song Shiqing, who was sitting next to her, was particularly suffering.

Because Jiang Suisui was too close to him, the two sat next to each other, close to each other.

The scent of roses on the girl next to him seemed to have long legs and drilled into his nose, turning her head slightly, her profile was soft in her eyes, and her thick curly eyelashes fluttered gently, like the wings of a butterfly. Generally, dance lightly.

Itchy in his throat, Song Shiqing moved to the side almost invisible, but because of his movement, coupled with the bumpy movement of the bullock cart for no reason, Jiang Suisui planted forward because he couldn't sit firmly. In the past, he was about to fall off the bullock cart.

Song Shiqing was quick with his eyes and hurriedly reached out to help. Fortunately, he grabbed her to prevent Jiang Suisui from falling out of the bullock cart and making intimate contact with the hot dung that was just pulled by the old scalper.

Jiang Suisui exclaimed in shock, reflexively stretched out his hand and tightly grasped Song Shiqing's sleeve, his heart thumped hard.

At this moment, the ox cart stopped, and Uncle Zhang who drove the cart turned around and asked: "Is it all right? No one fell, right?"

I haven’t encountered this kind of thing before. Sometimes the bullock cart hits too much, and some people fall from the bullock cart. But there is still a big difference from the car accidents of later generations.

Niu Cuifen turned pale with fright, and frowned, "Lao Zhang, be careful when you drive the car. You will throw people out later."

Uncle Zhang was also embarrassed, and said helplessly: "I didn't pay attention either. There was a big rock on the road just now."

Niu Cuifen turned his gaze on Jiang Suisui and Song Shiqing, both of whom were already seated. It was an accident just now, and no one thought much about it. At this time, the folk customs were still simple. Although they were relatively conservative, they couldn't bear the rescue of Jiang Suisui by Song Shiqing.

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