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Then, Jiang Suisui felt his pocket sink, as if there was something more. When she touched it, it was really a small bottle with the words'whitening cream' written on it, but there was no brand name.

Jiang Suisui was surprised and delighted. She had read a lot of novels, and naturally knew what'system' was all about.

As the name suggests, the "Crow Mouth Fighting Supreme System" means that as long as she curses other people's badness, it will be realized? After the bad luck of the person she cursed, can she still get rewards from the system?

After Jiang Suisui confirmed the causality, he was so happy that he couldn't wait to laugh on the spot. It seems that even if she wears a book, she is still the darling of God, this system is too good for her! !

At this moment, the system made a mechanized voice again: "Host, please don't be too happy!"

Jiang Suisui: "Huh???"

System: "In order to avoid host abuse, the system restricts the crow's mouth ability only after the best provocation, and the host's counterattack can take effect, and the level of the crow's mouth cannot harm human life."

Jiang Suisui has no objection to this restriction. Anyway, if people don't offend me, I won't offend anyone. If anyone dares to provoke her, then don't blame her crow mouth. As for human life, as a legitimate citizen of the 21st century, she cannot treat human life as a trifling matter, and she has never thought about using the system to kill people.

She put the whitening cream back in her pocket and hid it with a smile at the corner of her mouth, dreaming of a good day to make a fortune through the system in the future.

Liu Aidi saw this scene in his eyes, but thought Jiang Suisui was laughing at her.

As soon as the fishbone was pierced, she struck her neck and yelled, "Jiang Suisui, you are too much, you..."

Before she could finish her words, Jiang Suisui pushed the bowl of egg custard out and put a spoonful in everyone's bowl: "Mom, brother, sister-in-law, come, come and have some egg custard."

As for Niuniu, after the egg custard was made, half of it had already been given to her. After all, she was a three or four-year-old child who couldn't eat too much, so Jiang Suisui didn't give it to her again.

When he was in front of Liu Aidi, Jiang Sui Sui raised his eyes to look at Liu Aidi. The eye-catching eyes made Liu Aidi nervous. He felt that Jiang Sui Sui had never dealt with her and would definitely not give her an egg custard.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Suisui gave her two spoonfuls in succession, and said: "Come on, Sansao, you got stuck in your throat by a fishbone. Eat a little more egg custard to shock you."

Liu Aidi said it was fake that she was not shocked. She quarreled with Jiang Suisui just now. Did Jiang Suisui give her an extra spoonful?

But don't do it in vain, this egg custard looks delicious, she is almost greedy to death. She was afraid that Jiang Suisui would regret it, so she quickly picked up the bowl and took a few mouthfuls, and ate the smooth and delicious egg custard into her belly.

Can't help but sigh, this is too delicious!

After eating it up, I didn't count it, and I licked the bowl clean.

Fang Guizhi rolled his eyes and thought that the third child had married some kind of daughter-in-law.

Jiang Weijun also felt embarrassed, and took her arm, but Liu Aidi broke away: "Don't be noisy, this delicious egg custard can swallow my tongue!"

Jiang Weijun:......Although the little girl has good craftsmanship, we can't be so embarrassed!

Jiang Suisui pursed his red lips and smiled.

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