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Since getting married, Jiang Suisui has been running at both ends of the city and the brigade.

Not long

    ago, she partnered with Xie Fangfei to buy a house in the city, planning to use it as their studio. Xie Fangfei also moved to the city, so she returned to the brigade The time is less.

    On this day, Jiang Suisui just got up and was about to go to the studio when he received a call from her mother Fang Guizhi from the brigade.

    ...On the other end of the

    phone, Fang Guizhi’s voice was anxious and chaotic, and she didn’t even have time to confirm that the person answering the call was Jiang Suisui, so she said directly, “Nanny, are you doing anything today? Can you come here now? Brigade Health Center?"


    Jiang Suisui was confused when he heard her mother's tone. Someone must have had an accident at home. She suppressed the panic and speculation in her heart, and asked calmly: "Mom, don't worry first, you can tell me, is there someone in the family?"

    "It's your third sister-in-law, your third sister-in-law was at five o'clock this morning. The time started suddenly, and now she has been sent to the brigade health center, but she said everything she said has to wait until you come back to regenerate. She said that when a child is born, the first thing she sees is who is like who, she thinks our family is just you. They look the best, and you have to wait until you arrive before you give birth to your child!" Fang Guizhi said a series of words, angrily and anxiously.

    This daughter-in-law is really not worry-free. Let’s not say that the first time this child is born, it’s not credible to see who is like who at first glance. Just say that this child is born when you want to. NS?

    What if the child is suffocated like this? But it really made her anxious.

    "Sui Sui, if you are okay, you should come back quickly. Your Sansao is a bull-tempered person, and she won't be so easy to persuade her to come back once her temper is offended!" Fang Guizhi said.

    Jiang Suisui also knows Liu Aidi's temper, and given that her sister-in-law is giving birth, she should also go back. So he nodded and said quickly: "

    Okay , I know Mom, I'll come right away." Fang Guizhi felt relieved when she got her words, and hung up the phone to prepare eggs and brown sugar water for Liu Aidi. Giving a child requires physical strength, and if the time comes when the time comes to give birth, suddenly the physical strength is not enough to give birth, then it can be dangerous.

    And Jiang Suisui was about to go out immediately, and when he went out, he picked out a few gifts from others before and took them away. A can of wheat (milk Ru) essence, a catty of brown sugar, and a few catties of dried noodles, she said to Song (奶Nai)(奶Nai) downstairs: "(奶Nai)(奶Nai), my mother just hit I called and said my third wife is going to give birth, let me go back."

    Song (奶Nai) (奶Nai) quickly responded, and said while going upstairs: "Then you take something back, and now go buy a ticket. It’s too late, or you can ask Adjutant Li to send you off, which will be faster.”

    Jiang Suisui thought, too. After all, giving birth is a matter of life and she doesn’t know whether Liu Aidi’s remarks are just talking or serious. Yes, it would be bad if something goes wrong, so I agreed to Song (奶Nai)(奶Nai)'s suggestion.

    Because Lieutenant Li drove to deliver it, it only took her more than three hours to get to the brigade's health clinic.

    As soon as I got on the second floor, I saw several people standing in the corridor, it was Fang Guizhi, Jiang Weiping and Jiang Weijun. Jiang Weijun Jiang saw a spike ear, and quickly greeted and said ︰ "Little Sister, you can come, thy sister in law just stomach pains, the nurse said it should be to be born, you quickly go advanced."

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