Chapter 15

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Five's pov:

I grab some snacks for y/n when Alison approaches me. "Hey Five, I'm sorry for yelling at you and what not."

She sounds sincere so I turn to her. "How do you know whether you like someone?" I ask.

"Mmm? Like as in a friend?"

" in a...crussshhh?" The word tastes sour in my mouth.

She gasps, clapping her hands together. "Oo! Okay, always feel happy around them. You can never stay too mad at them for long, your stomach feels all fluttery. You don't want to hurt them or embarrass yourself in front of them." She chuckles. "Now, the way to get them to notice your crush is by being bold." I raise an eyebrow at her. "You know...flirt, go out of your way to make their day, be bold." She nods. She tilts her head. "Whatcha doing?" She points at the snacks.

"Hm? Oh, y/n's hungry." I shrug.

Alison smiles. "Mm, okay, go have fun." She says, nodding.

She gives me a wink and I blip out. "Here." I chuck the candy to y/n.

I sit on my bed as she tears open the wrappers. She tosses me two pieces of licorice and sits in the corner of her side, staring at her phone. I can't help but smile as she sticks her tongue out to lick her lollipop.

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